Chapter 20 here

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''NO!''Steve yelled running thru the flaming building

He run inside the burning building to try and find Natasha.

"Natasha!"He yelled looking around the fallen walls and the dust.

He was going crazy searching everywhere until he saw a glance of red hair on the floor under a broken wall.

Her leg was caught down the fallen wall.

He run to her cupping her face cleaning it from the black dust.

"No you are okay baby I will get you out of here"Steve cried checking her breath she was alive

She put all of the power he had left to lift the big weight from her leg which seemed to hurt her as she winced.

He rubbed her leg softly as the blood was coming out.

"You are gonna be okay, you have to be okay"Steve said kissing her forehead

He lifted her up in his arms bridal style and run out of the destroyed building.

"I need the medication team now"Steve yelled into the intercom

The team rushed to them and so did the little girl who seemed really worried.

The medication team took Natasha into the bed running tests in her.

Steve just stood there holding her hand tightly he didn't let go.

"We are loosing her!"The doctor yelled

Steve lost the ground under his legs as he looked at Natasha pale and white color.

"We need to rush her to the tower now!"The Doctor yelled but Steve wouldn't let go of her hand

He was frozen in his place.

"Steve easy let them save her life!"Tony said getting Steve out his trace letting go of her hand

"I have to go with them"Steve said following behind them

Natasha was not stable in the way to the tower they had lost her so many times he was scared for the worst.

He run with her inside as long as he could they wouldn't let him inside the room even if he begged even if he fought.

All the avengers had to calmed him down and he did for Natasha shake he needed to let the doctors do their job.

"Tony you don't understand"Steve complaint with tears in his eyes

"I know Steve and I am so sorry but you need to let them do their job please to save her for gods shake!"Tony said which made Steve nod

"I will bring you food"Tony said leaving the room with some of the avengers just waiting outside

He sat on the waiting room for hours no sign of the doctors or anything he was loosing hope.

When a little hand touched his he looked at the little girl that Natasha had saved.

"What's your name?"Steve asked distracting himself

"Nandia and you are Steve"She said smiling

"Nandia such a beautiful name how old are you?"Steve asked

"Thank you I am 6"the little girl said counting her hands

"Wow you are really young"Steve smiled

"Yes but I am smart"Nandia said smiling

"Of course you are"Steve said caressing the little girls hair

"Steve is Natasha gonna be okay?"The little girl asked with hope in her eyes

"I hope so or I don't know what I am gonna do"Steve said sadly

"Come on you need a huggy I am sure she is gonna be goody"Nandia said opening her arms for Steve

He took her into his arms burying his face on her neck she smiled happily.

"Steve I came with food for both of you"Tony said entering the room

"Thank you Tony I am not really in the mood"Steve said helping the girl to eat the food

"You sit down and eat while I go check on the doctors"Tony said without taking another word from him

Steve sat down and waited for tony who entered the room to see and ask for Natasha.


Steve was sleeping in the chair beside Natasha's bed it had been 3 weeks since she was stable they were waiting for her to wake up.

He felt a weight on his shoulders and looked down at the little Nandia who hadn't left his and Natasha's side.

"Steve look!"Nandia yelled looking at Natasha

"Oh my gosh"Steve said standing up to careless Natasha face she was slowly opening her eyes

"Steve?"She whispered

"I am here baby, I am here"Steve said crying from happiness

"Shhh relax I am fine"Natasha said cupping his face softly

"Fine?! You been gone for 3 weeks and we lost you so many times! That's not fine"Steve yelled

"I am sorry we knew something could go wrong. Wait 3 weeks?!"Natasha asked

"I love you don't leave me again"Steve said

"I love you too I will never leave you silly"Natasha said

Nandia jumped into the bed hugging Natasha tight.

"Hello Nandia"Natasha smiled hugging the little girl

"What happened with the others is everyone safe?"Natasha asked

"Yes everyone is safe and Alexi left"Steve said

"Great"Natasha smiled

"Let me feed you something"Steve said looking at the food they had prepared for her

"Does that mean we are a family now? Are you my mommy?!"Nandia asked almost joking Natasha and shocking Steve

"What?"Natasha asked looking at her as the girl sighted

"My mommy and daddy are dead and you protect me that's what mommy's do! You can be my mommy and Steve can be my daddy and we can become a big family like the other kids"Nandia said happily dreaming and Natasha smiled at her adorably

"You are so smart miss, but do you want me to be your mommy and Steve your daddy?"Natasha asked and looked at Steve

"Yes please I love you"Nandia said , Steve nodded at Natasha

"Of course baby let's make a family together, you me and Steve"Natasha said as Nandia hugged her tight

"Can I call you mommmy?Nandia asked

"Of course"Natasha said as happy tears fell down her face

"Hey what about a group hug?!"Steve complained

"Come here daddy"Natasha laughed as they did a family hug

What did you think of this story?! Should I do more?
I hate endings so much I hope you enjoyed this story tho 🥺

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