lily the foster child part 1

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I have had enough of this!! lily screamed while trying to hold it all in she eventually collected herself and got up . she was definitely not in the best situation right now because she lived with her neglected parents that didn't care about her , she definitely hated living there with them because they never paid attention to her . she was always so lonely when it came to her but that didn't faze her at all she was definitely use to it because she had her horror movies and books to her company during this difficult time. she definitely did enjoy all the food in the fridge so she helped herself to it anyway she can hardly anyone notices that she was there. when she came downstairs she saw her parents they of course never paid any attention to her they never made eye contact with her when they saw her this morning because they continued to do their own thing. lily got fed up with the way they treated her so she decided to call child protective services she went to the phone and dialed their number ''hi I'm lily I would definitely like to move to a different foster home'' lily said on the phone "what's wrong with the parents that I gave you lily'' said the woman on the other line "they aren't really good parents they don't pay attention to me' reply lily. "well I guess you aren't very happy with the parents I gave you'' answered the woman 'we'll have to fix that won't we' after lily and the woman talked on the phone for about an hour the woman decided that lily will be moved into a different foster home with different parents when she heard that she couldn't contain her excitement and she eventually thanked the woman over the phone ''thank you for understanding my situation' lily replied back lily hung up the phone when she was done talking to the woman on the phone. the next morning lily got up and packed her stuff up and waited by the front door for the woman from child protective services she eventually came and got lily they drove to a different foster home and when they got there these parents were so happy to have a girl in their house they introduced themselves and they showed her around the house and bedroom "this is where you'll be sleeping''replied Ellis after the tour of the house they settled in for the night. the next morning they had breakfast set up for lily and to her surprise she enjoyed the beautiful elegant atmosphere of the table and the breakfast that was on it lily sat eating her breakfast with satisfaction on her face she was quite pleased with her decision to move to a different foster home with foster parents that actually love her for who she is. she eventually enjoyed her life so much more than the previous live she had been living in. lily made many friends at school and she eventually wanted to be writer when she grows-up. she eventually became available for adoption so to her surprise the foster parents wanted to adopt her so they set out on a mission to adopt a foster child. paperwork wasn't easy because they had to get approval from the court and lilies parents eventually they relentless agreed to let them adopt lily and she eventually got adopted by the parents she lived such a great life with her new parents she was once a foster child and she eventually got adopted by loving parents.

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