lily's new life as an adopted girl

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several years later lily was definitely agisting to her new life as an adopted girl. she definitely enjoyed the freedom of having a new life and wonderful parents to share it with. the best part was that they enjoyed having a girl as their own daughter. they never had kids before because they were waiting for the right time to adopt a foster child. "wake up sleepy head' said Ellis while walking into the bedroom to wake lily up for school "you better get dressed and get some breakfast while you're at it' lily got up and got dressed for the day ahead. when she went downstairs for breakfast she saw her dad drinking his coffee while reading the newspaper he looked up from his newspaper when he saw her ''hi good morning sweetheart how did you sleep last night" said Dave with a smile on his face. "I slept pretty good last night' replied lily while still half asleep from this morning. she sat down for breakfast with her dad Dave while he read his newspaper. "well I better get ready for work today' said Dave he rose from his chair and grabbed his duffle bag and went out the door. lily hurried to finish her breakfast and she grabbed her backpack on the way to chase the school bus this morning she eventually got on the school bus and sat down by herself. when the school bus eventually pulled up to the school everyone got out of the school bus and headed different directions she walked in to school with bunch of other students she felt the students staring at her when she walked into the school hallway. she eventually avoided all eyes on her because they thought she was weird because the way she looked. she always wore black outfits and she never wore anything else but black it was definitely her favorite color. she eventually found her classroom and sat down at her seat she felt like she was the only new student in the classroom. when class eventually got out she rose from her chair and headed back on onto the bus to go home from school. she enjoyed being at home than going to school she felt awkward about school the rest of the week she still continued going through with school. she eventually enjoyed some parts of school like writing class and art which were her two favorite classes in school. lily went upstairs to do her writing homework and other things for school she definitely didn't enjoy mathematics because she was terrible at it but she tried her best at finishing all her homework before she could watch tv. 'I'm home!'yelled Dave while walking through the front door. lily ran downstairs to greet her dad with open arms they hugged each other for a while then they let go of each other. "how was school lily'? asked Dave while putting stuff away in the cabinet. 'it was great I made some new friends and I enjoyed doing my writing homework for school' replied lily with a smile on her face. "I'm guessing that mom isn't home yet is she working late tonight?'questioned lily while looking puzzled on her face "yes she is definitely working late tonight"replied Dave. 'well I guess I'll go to bed now talk to you tomorrow morning dad' said lily and off she went. the next morning was ordinary for her. she got breakfast and finished last little bits of homework that she didn't finish last night and hurried to the bus stop when she was finished with breakfast. she went through school without a hitch she knew that she had to finish all her homework and do book projects for school. she accomplished all of 12 grade and went through high school and got a diploma from cedar high school. lily's parents were very proud of their daughter they knew lily could do it. it wasn't easy for lily to stay in school because she had some bad teachers and some of them cared for her they told her never to give up on your dreams. she stuck with school even if she didn't like it she did it anyway because she knew her parents would be watching her and making sure she wasn't getting into trouble at school. she felt good about her decision to sticking with school because her parents motivated her to go school. lily accomplished a lot in life and she can't wait to go to college to become a writer.

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