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Yes. ^^

Felix struggled to pay attention in class, since he barley knew what the teacher was saying, it was boring. Felix sighed as he doodled on the side of his worksheet. He would probably just ask Seungmin for answers later since he was smart. Felix got startled by the bell, he smiled as he quickly gathered his stuff, he was about to walk out when he remembered he wanted to thank his roommate for his help. He spun around and head to Chan's desk, as he made his way closer he was eventually knocked down by a swarm of girls rushing towards Chan's desk.

"Ow.." Felix gripped his wrist, examining it quickly.

"Here." Felix looked up as he saw Chan with an outstretched arm. He smiled as he reached up taking his hand in his. Chan pulled Felix up so he was no longer on the ground.

"Thanks, you must be good with the ladies." Felix slightly laughed as Chan shrugged.

"Well, I wanted to thank you for earlier, when you helped me with the Korean." Chan shrugged again.

"It's no big deal." Felix nodded as he was about to turn around Chan grabbed his wrist, Felix winced in pain, but Chan didn't notice.

"Actually can I ask you something?" Chan released his grip on Felixs wrist as Felix sighed in relief, Felix then nodded. "Um, what happened last night? Are you okay now?" Felix bit his lower lip.

"Um, I'm fine now, I-I'm sorry I'd rather not talk about it." Chan nods.

"Oh, okay, t-that's fine. Well um, I'll be off then." Felix nodded as he waved to Chan, as Chan left the girls followed behind giggling and whispering. Felix went on his way to the nurses office so he could get his wrist checked out. The nurse told Felix that his wrist was sprained and that he needed to let it rest for a week or 2. Felix began his walk to Seungmins dorm.

"Great, my writing hand too." Felix pouted as he knocked on Seungmins door.

"Come in!" Felix walked in as Seungmin turned around in his chair. "Oh Felix it's you."

"Oh sorry to disappoint you." Felix rolled his eyes as he laughed. Seungmin shook his head.

"Well, what's up? You okay?"

"Yeah, I just need homework answers, I couldn't understand a thing." Seungmin sighs.

"Fine, but you need to study!" Felix groaned.

"I know I know! I will!" Felix handed Seungmin his paper as Seungmin began he asked Felix a question.

"What happened to your wrist?" Felix looked at his wrist.

"I fell, sprained it. She just told me to let it rest for a week."

"You'll probably have to ask the person next to you in class to take notes for you or something then." Felix cringed at the idea of having to speak to another human besides Seungmin. That was until he realized Chan was his seat neighbor. Felix then nodded at Seungmin.

"Okay done, now shoo, hyunjins coming over soon." Felix fakes gagged as he grabbed the paper and headed for his own dorm. He checked in his bag for his key, he then sighed as he realized he left it in the dorm. Felix knocked on the door, but Chan didn't answer, it was the pizza boy from the night before.

"Oh hey! Screaming boy!" Felix looked at Changbin confused, he looked past him seeing no one else besides Chan. He sighed shoving Changbin out of the way.

"Why's pizza boy here?"

"Cause he's my friend?" Felix sighed as he sniffed the air.

"No alcohol? Good." Chan rolled his eyes at Felix, Changbin then came and sat next to Felix, wrapping his arm around Felixs shoulder. Felix cringed as Chan lightly chuckled at Felixs face expressions.

"Hyung, introduce me!" Chan sighed.

"Felix, this is Changbin." Felix rolls his eyes.

"Don't care." Changbin gave a confused look towards Chan.

"Changbin, this is Felix, he is from Australia, he's not great at Korean." Changbin nodded as he got up walking towards the kitchen.

"Are we drinking today?" Chan thought for a moment, he looked towards Felix as he remembered the night before.

"Ah, n-no." Changbin frowns as he sat down next to Chan.


I also went too 2 graduation showers, and I am exhausted and tired but it's fine!🤡

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