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Chan watched as Felix was kissing another man. Chan felt his eyes tear up, he was about to walk away but stopped when he saw tears running down Felixs cheeks. Chan eventually realized what was happening.

"HEY! GET OFF OF HIM!" The guy didn't pull of of Felix, Chan began getting frustrated. He ran towards the two boys, yanking the taller one off of Felix. "Didn't you hear me?!"

"Let go of me, I'm allowed to do whatever o want." Chan tightened his grip.

"You don't touch him ever again." The other boy smirked.

"Why shouldn't I, he's obviously single." Chan gritted his teeth, then came close to the taller boys ear.

"He's mine." Chan then pushed the other guy onto the floor. The boy got up and clicked his tongue. Chan sighed deeply, he turned around  as he saw Felix his eyes and face mussels softened.

"Lix.." he crouched down so he was level with Felix, grabbing his face in his hands. He wiped away Felixs tears.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I was so scared.." Felix began crying again, Chan pulled the younger into a hug.

"I know, you're okay now lix, I'm right here." Chan stroked Felixs hair. "Do you want to leave?" Felix shook his head.

"I can't Seungmin-"

"Don't worry about them, I'll have one of my friends take them home."

"No, it's fine I'll just-"

"Felix, no, I'm taking you home. I know that you're still scared your shaking." Felix looked away embarrassed. Chan grabbed Felixs hand, dragging Felix out of the house into his own car.

"Mm, thanks, I'll repay you sometime."

"There is no need, we are roommates anyway." Felix nods as he puts his seatbelt on. The ride to the dorm was quiet, but a comfortable quiet.

"Erm, we're here, we can head up to our room so you can get some sleep."

"Oh, okay. Thank you again for the ride." Chan smiles at Felix as they both get out of the car. Chan and Felix make their way inside the dorm.

"Ughhh! I'm so tireeddd!" Felix plopped on his bed, yawning.

"You should change out of that first."

"No, it's okay." Chan chuckled.

"Come on, that's going to be uncomfortable, at least take off you're shirt, it's a nice shirt, you can't sleep in that." Felix sat up with a pout on his face. Chan sighed as he sat next to Felix.

"Come here, I'll take it off for you."

"No, it's fine!"

"Felix, stop it, you can't sleep in that sweater." Chan starts to tug at the hem of Felixs shirt.

"Chan, wait!" Chan takes off Felixs shirt.

"See, isn't it already.... comfortable..." Chan face fell as he saw the scars littered on Felixs body.


"I-I told you not to!" Felix immediately got up, grabbing a sweatshirt from his closet, and quickly putting it on himself. He then laid back down without looking at Chan.

"Felix, I'm sorry. Please talk to me." Felix ignored Chan, he pulled the covers farther up.
"Felix, please, talk to me." Felix furrowed his eyebrows when he heard Chan's voice crack, he took a quick peek to see Chan was crying.

"Channie, w-why are you crying?"

"Please talk to me, I'm worried about you." Felix looked down as he played with his fingers.

"I- I don't do it anymore, but it left lots of scars. You don't need to be worried about me.." Felix let out a slight gasp when Chan hugged him.

"You promise? W-why did you do it?" Felix hugged Chan back.

"When I was with my ex, he made me feel really bad about myself, I've been getting better now that I have good friends. Chan, I promise I'm okay. Especially since you came into my life."

"Especially since I came into your life?" Chan slightly smiled.

"I-I mean, y-you- it's just-" Felix got cut off by another pair of lips being placed on his. Felixs eyes widened once he realized Chan was kissing him. Before Felix could react Chan pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back anymore."

"What? I-I'm confused."

"What I'm trying to say is that I like you Felix, and I have for some time now."

Also I'm sorry for not updating, I haven't had any motivation to do anything 🤡🤡🙈

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