The Battle Cats

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"Hey, hey. Wake up, Tank". Cate was waking up Tank. She woke up Axen, Grosser, Duncow, Blird, Fishis, Lizar, and Titan, too. Tank is very, VERY sleepy all the time. "Come on, our human all gave us breakfast except you!" said Cate. Suddenly, Cate's human was going away for a while. Tank finally woke up. "What's that?" said Duncow. It was a dangerous XP bottle. "Hey, Titan and Grosser can reach it!" replied Blird. "They're the tallest." Grosser reached out and accidently spilled it all over the team of 9 cats. "What's happening to us?!" questioned Cate. Cate was, well, Cate. Tank was now pretty tall and a lot more durable. Axen now had only 1 eye and an axe. Grosser grew long limbs. They call him gross for that. Duncow now was a cow with a face of a cat! Blird was a winged-cat!! Fishis now is, you guessed it, a fish that has a cat face and cat limbs. Lizar now is a lizard with a face of a cat. Most interesting of all, Titan was now the size of a SKYSCRAPER. These are the Battle Cats. "Man, I didn't even get to eat!" said Tank. "WELL THEN EAT!!!!!" said Titan while his voice was hyper-loud. The ground literally shook. Tank ate fast. "So, what now?" said Axen. Suddenly, the gang noticed that their humans house was obliterated by Titan. "Aww man, we have no shelter!" said Tank. They headed out and recruited some other cats to help them. A group built a base. It was perfect. 2 days later, they noticed a nearby base. They hired a cat ninja to spy on them. The ninja reported seeing doomsday plans for the world. "This is really cramped." said Titan trying to whisper. It still sounded pretty loud. "Welp, if you didn't take up 98% percent of the base this would never happen!" said Lizar. Titan was crouching really low, too. "Hey, we should attack THEIR base together!" said Axen. "No, Axen. I am the 'basic' cat out of all of you. Their base is also really basic. I should do this alone." replied Cate. "Hey, I should mention the Cat-Printer 3000! I can copy the genetics of Cate and clone her." said the worker cat. Cate headed out.

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