Revival of Bahamut-Cat

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Its 2 years after Chapter 2, 2025. Cate and friends are all over the world, exploring and building an empire. "Hey, Fishis. Have you ever heard of Bahamut-Cat?" asked Cate. "Yeah. Its an urban legend. Recently, cat scientist have all the clues pointing to it being true. What about it?" said Fishis. "What do you say we awaken it?" said Cate. Fishis was in shock. "Oh, boy! Its been 24 months since I've ever fought!" Fishis spread the word to the cats. They all agreed. They all knew this couldn't get more epic. "TO KOREA!" shouted the battle cats. They headed to Korea to start from scratch again. The battles were so much harder, and the worker cat had a limited wallet. He could only send out so much clones. Eventually, they got to Hawaii and searched for something. Fishis found a blueprint that seems to point to awakening, just like the legendary Bahamut-Cat. It seemed to summon "Teacher Bun Bun" on, you guessed it, the moon. "Those pieces of sh-!" said Axen before Grosser cut him off. "Hey! Lets keep this PG, man!" Interestingly enough, Bahamut-Cat can only be summoned on the moon, too. The battle cats arrived at the moon. Their base immediately got attacked, so it was intense. Teacher Bun Bun was already there, so it was a challenge. Titan started to destroy Teacher Bun Bun along with his clones. The cats prayed for help from the mighty god. Suddenly, the REAL Cat God appeared. "I-is this r-real?" said Cate. They prayed and prayed for miracles. They were all granted. Pretty much within a blink of an eye, Teacher Bun Bun was dead. Pretty short ending, huh? Well, this is the end of the Empire of Cats saga. If you wish to see a fan-made chapter(from me) or a trailer for Into The Future OR both, go right ahead and continue. If you wish to just see Into The Future(if it even IS out rn), you can do that too! Buh bye!

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