The Emperor of Darkness

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After 9 months, the Battle Cats were just, well, cats. Everything was fine, until they appeared again. The enemy bases. The cats knew they were at it again. They headed out because their human still hasn't returned yet. They transformed back into their battle forms and were ready. They started again from Korea, slowly making their way up to Hawaii. They fought a lot of battles, many clone lives were lost. Once they reached Hawaii, they expected a note. They didn't get a note. The battle cats were faced with a full-blown 6-hour countdown for doomsday. They had no rockets to work with, despite N.A.S.A. being full of them. They had to use clones lf Blird to get to the moon. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" said a mysterious voice. The battle cats prepared themselves for the worst. "Hey, I can fight them!" said the ninja cat. "Me too!" said a sumo cat. "Me three!" said Moneko. They were going to fight all at once. Once they were out of the base, Emperor Nyandam was right there. Satan, right in front of them. Cate hesitated to even move. All at once, the battle cats fought. It was a tough fight. Right when Titan, the strongest of the cats, was about to die, the cat scientist threw a huge XP bottle at the team. They all were changing. "Oh no, not agai-" muttered Tank. He changed before he could finish. Cate now had a mohawk. Tank was an eraser? Axen now looked like a villan? Grosser now had macho legs. Duncow was now a lion?? Blird was an entire steampunk tiny floating island?? Fishis was now a walking island... Titan now wore a T-shirt that said 'I Love Anime'. They then accepted their evolution and fought Emperor Nyandam. "Miss Moneko! You shouldn't do this!" said the simp cat. "I have my secrets." replied Moneko, now Miss Moneko. They all fought for their lives. "Foolish animals! I will destroy the blue planet!" said the Emperor. All the cats who had hands punched, others did what they could(like Tank). Eventually, they defeated literal Satan. The world was saved, for now.

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