Just hold onto me..

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*stream renjun's cover of fools because "i dont give a FUCK im not giving up, i want it allllll"

o࿐ *.°.*.°..

It was currently a Sunday morning and Soyeong didn't know what to do. She was home alone and bored as shit. Till she thought about going to see Jisung and Renjun, so she got dressed and left to beach she always went to..

It was 12:15am when she got to the dock, she didn't know if they'll actually be here but she surely hoped so. And as if someone read her mind she saw a orange haired boy raise from the water in front of her.

"Jisung!" Soyeong said very happily

"Hi noona!" Jisung greeted

"Noona?" You don't have to call me noona"

"I'm 17, your 19" Jisung said making Soyeong go "ohh"

"Is..Renjun here too?" Soyeong asked she wanted to see him as she enjoyed his company a lot recently

"Uhh..wait one sec-" With that Jisung dived into the water and left in search for his friend

"Hyunggggg" Jisung screamed into Renjun's cave

"What" Renjun said scaring Jisung from behind

"Were you here the whole time?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"Soyeong is here and wants to see you" Jisung said


"Uhh I don't know, We're going to hangout for a bit so you should come"
Jisung tried his best to persuade Renjun

"Ask Haechan" Renjun said trying to flee the boy away

"I don't know where Haechan issss" Hyung pleaseeee" Jisung whined

*with a annoyed look Renjun answered.. "no-"

"Aish, fine rot in your emo cave" Jisung said before leaving, Renjun rolled his eyes at the younger's words.

Jisung returned to Soyeong and said
"He'll be here in a bit he's doing something right now"

"Oh ok" She responded

The two talked and talked about many random things that bloomed just after asking about how each others days were. But to Soyeong's surprise Jisung didn't know about a lot of things like different types of food, music, places like restaurants etc. Even though he didn't know much, Soyeong still explained it to him and he surely did listen but deep down inside it was just making the boy wish he was human..

"Jisung, you don't have a phone? And don't go to School?" Soyeong asked while he shook his head

"Jisung broke his phone a lot and now his parents don't buy him one anymore unless he gets it himself. He's also home schooled" Renjun said appearing. Jisung looked a bit confused but finally caught onto Renjun's lying.

"Oh, Hyung you came finally!" The youngest greeted

Soyeong looked at Renjun and smiled..

"Hi" Soyeong said

"Hi" Renjun responded

"Sooo, what do you want to talk about now?" Jisung asked

"Where do you guys come from? You said you cliff jump? What cliff? Soyeong asked

"There's a cliff on the other side of this cliff that's next to the highway. You go through the woods and you'll find the opening, that's where we jump off of. Or we go down to the floor and swim around there." Renjun lied from what he could remember when he was a human

Siren ~ NCT Dream Renjun FFWhere stories live. Discover now