Chapter 42 - So The Party Is Going Great

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There were many things that surprise Cross.

It made him fascinated to see magical items presented by the merchants and item collectors. Their mere existence and unique purpose brought him amazement.

It made him intrigued at new places to visit; Countries to greet and approach peacefully and hidden things such as caves of diamonds and gold or a river with sparkling clear water. These locations made him wonder more of what was beyond of what he already know; What the books show and the travellers tell.

It could make his whole world stop when someone disrespect any of their people. It was no secret that their country was considered powerful than others. They may not have magical items but their strategic attacks and incredible soldiers were indispensable. Their Royal Bloodline was also extraordinary although Frisk had still not shown his capabilities unlike him and Chara who inherited their Father's combat abilities using magic-induced knives and bones.

So it did caught him off-guard when he walked up to a skeleton out alone in the garden; Crouching on the near end bush. He decided to be caring and approach the skeleton but the moment he put a hand on the other's shoulder, the unknown one lashed out with frustration.

"Won't you just leave me alone?!"

Cross dumbly stared at the other. It took only minute for the other to look at him properly and shut his mouth with nervous bullets of sweats forming on his forehead. That must have took a lot of bravery and frustration to scream that. You could say Cross was impressed.

"Can I take back what I said?" The other said with fear.

Cross blinked but started frantically waving his hands. "I-It's fine! You did no harm!" The monochrome laughed as he observed the other features and noticed the ink splatter on the other's cheek and blurted out his words. "Fourth General's... slave?"

The slave was surprise too but rubbed the back of his neck while looking away with uneasiness. "Ah... so you figured out too?"

"You stood out in the previous Ball." Cross remembered the blank expression the slave wore through the event. "Are you better now?"

The slave was shock at the concern but nodded. "I... I'm feeling better. Thank you, Cross."

"You remember my name, I think it is wise to know yours too."

"Yeah, um... Ink. My name is Ink." The slave introduced. "I don't remember well if you're from a royal family, terribly sorry for that."

Cross couldn't help the amused grin playing on his face. "You're not afraid I will punish you for forgetting?"

"Will you?"

"No... you're too amusing." Cross chuckled at the rainbow blush on the other's cheeks. "Is it okay if you join me?"

Ink was genuinely surprise at the offer. "Wo-won't they mind?"

"It's fine." Cross didn't hesitate holding the other's hand but when Ink flinched away, he let go.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to flinch it's just-" Ink fumbled through his words and feeling a foreign fear creeping up his throat.

Cross looked at him with worry as he gave a comforting gaze. "I shouldn't have grabbed you like that even if you're a slave."

Ink figured out right there that Cross was different from others and if he could get to the other's good side, he might be able to ask favors or protection if he did anythibg bad right here. "You're really kind."

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