Chapter 10

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Walking through the corridor of the arena, I knew this was really happening.

I was about to meet Niall James Horan.

I jumped up on my tippy toes at the thought, walking through the door to the backstage area. There, right in front of me, stood One Direction.

Niall looked at me. And I mean looked at me.

Like. Looked. At. Me.

But out of no where, a swarm of girls ran towards the boys. A load of body guards ran around them just in time before we all got trampled. They ordered everyone to leave, & with some needed force, they did. I saw a sight of relief fall over Nialls face as he walked towards us with the rest of the boys.

"Hello ladies!" Niall said in his deep, Irish accent. I smiled at the familiar sound.

"Hey guys! I'm Bella, & this is-" I introduced all of the girls, then my mom. I know all Kendall was worried about was Harry checking out mom. He wasn't, of course. It was all just a rumor. I felt Niall's blue eyes staring at me. I blushed.

"Well, you ladies want to go have a seat inside?" Niall asked, motioning us into the lounging area, I assumed. We nodded and followed the boys. I saw Zayn slip an arm around Sarah, & I knew she was loving it.

I sat down on the couch, and felt myself die inside when Niall sat next to me. I relaxed, trying to look comfortable sitting next to him. It seemed to be working.

Mom said she didn't want to stick around very long, so she got up and went home. I was kind of glad to be honest. Wouldn't want my mom sticking around to watch me flirt with Niall, did I? No.

I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, and knew it was Niall. It was kind of like having a half-Horan-hug . I liked it.

I took his arm off my shoulder and sat it in my lap. He looked dissapointed in some way. I turned sideways and layed my legs across Niall's lap, & sat his arm in my lap. He smiled, the dissapointment fading quickly. He gripped the end of my thigh with re assurance, & I smiled. I rarely feel this comforitable with anyone. It was unusual , but I liked it.

Sarah sat across the room with Zayn, Kendall next to Harry, and Anne talked with Liam while Jordan and Haley talked to Louis. I smiled, then I thought about how Haley and Jordan would fight over Louis. That was a thought for another time though, I was focussing more on the fact I was laying over Niall Horan and he didn't mind. Lets get back to that.

We talked for a while, all of us together in the large lounging room. I enjoyed it, it was like having a bunch of old friends over. We got along really well.

Then Paul came in.

"Ladies, I'm sorry, but its time for you to leave." He said. A dissapointed look fell over my face. The girls stood up, & I followed. Then I felt a hand grab mine and pull me back. Niall leaned in and whispered in my ear, "You got my number, right babe?" He said. I nodded and looked at him. A wink told me goodbye as I left the room. Butterflies filled my stomach immediately.

I texted Niall not even 5 minutes after we walked out. "Niiaallll.. (:" I said. I got an immediate response. "Belllaaaaa.. :) x" I smiled & replied.

"I had fun talking with you, (:" I said.

"It was more fun for me, babe." He said. I felt the blood rushing to my face. I blushed in front of my friends, & they knew something was up. They found out I was texting Niall, & all of us were talking about it before a second more passed.

"No no, I don't think so." I said. "Why don't you & your friends come back after the show?:)" He asked. I smiled and asked the girls, to which they replied yes, of course. Who would turn down a free hang out with One Direction?

"We'll be there. (:" "Cant wait!" He said, making me blush again. I laughed at myself as the girls and I got some food and drinks and headed to our seats, the show was starting soon!

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