Night Before

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3rd POV

It was the night before the biggest to weeks of royal  orientation . Two weeks before some of the kids have to go back to school or start school for the first time than at home. Differnt emotions where going around. 

Charming Castle 

Ruby: I got some new shoes ...yeah yeah shoes. 

The blonde princess sang and danced around her room as she packed her things for the two week vacation. 

Carson: Shut Up ! 

Her brother came into the room looking at his little sister. 

Cinderella : Honey don't talk to your sister like that. 

Carson: Yes mama 

Ruby: Mama's boy 

Charming( Like what is his name) : Be nice princess 

Ruby: Yes daddy 

She says in a sweet voice she turns glaring at her brother pushing him out of her room.

Maid: Here's your shoes princess 

She bowes placing all 12 boxs of shoes.Walking out the room.

Ruby: I'm going to a baaallll and got new shoeessss. Yeah yeah. 

She countine to previous events of singing and dancing around her room ready for tommorw.

Beauty's  Castle

The house was pretty hectic.

Emma: Mom dose any one know where my crown is ? Ethan and I will be annconcing our engament. 

Maid: It all packed princess Emma. 

Emma: Thank you Kate 

 Aurora: Johnny dear come here we have to cut your hair. 

Johnny: Uh why mom. 

  Philip: Don't talk back to your mother son . 

The princes just rolled his eyes walking down the stairs.

As the royal hairstyle cut the princes hair in the thrown room Lauren walked in. 

Lauren: I  brought you some flowers mom. 

Aurora: Thank you sweet heart 

Johnny: If you need to cut someone's hair it should be her's you would think she the daughter of Rapunzel. 

Lauren: I like my long hair 

Philip : It's just find princess.

Aurora: Let them cut you  ends sweet heart.

Lauren : Okay 

Emma: I need a blow out. 

Hairdresser: I'll do it.

Johnny: Is that soon to be sister in law of your going to be there 

Emma: Annie yeah 

Johnny: Juliann not many people have seen her is she as ugly as they say 

Emma: HEY ..... she great she extremely beautiful really 

Lauren: I hope we could be friends

Johnny: Who would want to be your friend

Emma : Don't pay him any mind. You two will be great friends. 

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