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Annie Pov (Wow  first one person Pov ) 

I grabbed my book form the chair walking into the waiting room for the carriage to pick us up. 

Belle: Jully I know you love reading and parties are not always your thing once really get there but try to talk to more people. 

Annie: I made tunes of new friends today 

Belle: You did well that great honey maybe you can have sleepovers tomorrow night 

Annie: Really 

Belle: Just ask your dad then you can ask them and their parents 

Annie: Thank you, mommy 

Belle: You're welcome 

She kisses my cheek 

Grayson: The carriage is here. 

Belle: Good 

I try to walkout 

Belle: Annie leave the book 

I sigh setting the book on the love set then walk to the carriage.

Soon we rolled up to the castle. First mom and dad got out the Gray and E then it was Greg and me. 

I walk down the stairs then lol for my friends.

Greg: Where are you going 

Annie: To my friends 

I try to take my hand away

Ethan: Will take you 

Annie: Why don't you go with Emma 

Ethan: I'll make sure you get there then I'll go to her. 

I sigh walking with both three brothers to my new friends

Jayden: Hi Ann's

We huge

Navia: I love your hair

Annie: Thanks and I love yours 

I turn to my brothers who were still standing there 

Annie: You can go now don't you have dates

Lauren: Yeah Emma talking to Indiana Ethan

Ethan leaves 

Greg and Grayson on the other hand stayed there.

Annie: Go I'm fine 

Sofia: Yeah she with us 

Olivia: Everyone sitting at the same table you can keep an eye on her there.

Annie: I'll see you when they call us to dinner

They sigh 

Ruby: Don't they have dates 

Annie: Nope they never really do they go out with any girl.

Navia: Oh look Sofia 

We turn to see a lot of the princes walking down the steps almost in slow motion. 

Annie: So you like Matt 

She was staring him down. 

Sofia: What ...no 

Rub: u totally do 

Sofia  Shut it

Olivia: Are they walking over here....why are they walking over here 

Lauren: H..hi 

Boys: Hi 

Jayden: What do you want 

Johnny: Cool it girl

Lauren: Watch it

Payton: Asher .....Asher 

All the boys rolled their eyes and some of the girls but Annie. 

Asher: Yes honey 

She comes over with the other 'mean' girls.

Payton: Hi everyone 

She grabs onto Asher's hand 

The other boys come closer like they were trying to run away.

Maddie: Carson will you  escort me to dinner 

Carson: If you don't mind me walking my sister over too

Maddie rolled her eyes and thought about it 

Maddie: Sure

Bell Man: Everyone comes to the table for dinner. 

Carson takes both Maddie and Ruby on his arm. 

Grayson: Come on my lady 

I take his hand

Joshua takes Jayden 

Joshua: I can take you to Olivia 

Olivia: Sure yeah

He takes her hand

Matt ends up taking both Navia and Sofia.

We all make it to our seats. 

Nadia was glaring hard at Sofia and Navia. 

Annie: Why is she glaring at you two

Navia: Because Matt her brother walked in with us and she had to walk on her own. So did Mackenzie and Emily. 

I nod.

We all eat dinner. Then the music starts playing all the parents start dancing. 

Annie: Wait why is Maddie wearing black I thought we have to wear our parents color 

Navia: She never follows the rules.

Grayson: Uh dad told me that you can have your sleepover

Annie: Thanks 

I wave him away.

Annie; Do you girls want to have a sleepover tomorrow 

Ruby: I have to ask first
The others agree.

On the other side of the castle. 

Matt: Uh why are you hiding man 

Asher: Payton wants to dance some more and talk to people  I don't want to anymore im tried

Carson: Tell me about it Maddie is driving me crazy I mean she is hot but she really pushing it 

Johnny: Most suck 

They hear the sounds of heels clicking. 

Asher: Man hide me 

Navia: Uhh what's going on 

Jayden: It clear their hiding form the girls 

Indiana: Asher...there you are your crazy girlfriend looking for you. Oh hi. 

She waves to the other girls.

Annie: Hi your Indiana 

Indiana: Your Annie nice to meet you 

The two shake hands. 

Emma: Ebetbee

We all giggle. 

My brother glares our way of noticing us.

Ethan; Uh hey um guys uh it's time to go. Come on Jul's. 

Annie: Coming Ebetbee 

The others giggle while my brothers glare kissing Emma then me away form my huge with the girls.

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