Pool Party

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3rd Pov

Everyone was around the pool swimming and having a good time.

Navia: Annie you look too good to just be reading a book all day come on.

Sofia: Come on play with us 

Annie: Fine

She got up putting her stuff in her pool bag then going over to the others. 

Carson: Hey girls want to play with water balloons 

Ruby: Sure 

We go to our side and they go to theirs

Annie: Go 

They start throwing balloons. 

Maddie: Uh what are they doing 

She took her shades of glaring at the others 

Payton: What is Asher doing over there 

Emily: Uh 

Mackenzie: They look dumb 

Indiana: They look like their having fun girls have you heard of it ...it's what actual people do

She got up from her chair which none knew she was there.

Maddie: Uhh come on

She pulled the girls out of the chair 

Asher: Uh I'm going to get you Beast 

He ran towards the beautiful brunet picking her up over his shoulder and throwing her into the pool. She screamed making everyone turn their way.

Asher: I'll help you 

He reaches his hand in try to pull her out but she pulls him down laughing.

Everyone around them laughs but I guess you can guess who did not. 

Payton: ASHER 


Payton: What are you doing 

Asher: Having fun with my friends 

By now Annie was out shaking her long locks out.

Annie: Come on ash 

She hands him a towel. That he gladly takes it. 

Payton: Asher 

She comes closer to her heals click but then slips falling backward in the pool. Everyone starts laughing.

Asher: Uh what have I said about wearing heals by the pool.

He picks her up out of the pool. Placing her down on the tanning bed. 

Annie: Are you okay 

Payton: Do I look okay to you

Indian: She fine people are dying falling in the pool because she was studied and wearing heals was dumb No one petty, you girl. 

She grabs her brother and Annie taking them away. Payton was in shock.

Indian: Don't let her get to you Annie she has problems

Asher: Hey she is my girlfriend 

Indian: I don't know why. Asher, you're a great guy who deserves to be with someone who makes you truly happy and loves you for you who does not want to change you. You hate orange dude. Just think about it okay love yah little bro and I'm trying to stick up for you.

She pats his back walking away.

Annie: Uhhh

Asher: Sorry about them.... they don't like each other much 

Annie: Hmmm I had not to notice 

They both laugh button get erupted by water. 

Carson; Come on you two-party time 

HeHthrowsssher: Its on man 

They start going at it. 

Maddie: Are you okay Payton 

Payton: Why does everyone keeps asking I'm fine!

She gets up. Walking over to the others. 

Emily: Uh Payton 

Payton: Shut it Em

Olivia: Hey heads up 

She and Joshua started shouting at them with their water guns.

Nadia: Uh now were all wet 

Sofia: It says a wet zone you can't come over here and not get wet. 

Jayden: You're a mermaid don't you like being one with the water 

Nadia: Uhhh 

Matt: Lighten up sis try not to get your legs wet 

He laughed throwing a water balloon at Sofia 

Sofia: You

She runs jumping on him tackling him on the ground both start laughing 

Payton: Why don't we get ready for the picnic tonight you'll look so hot in the outfit I got you 

Asher: Ummm about that my mom bought me something different she wants good pictures and I can't say no to my mom. 

She sighs 

Payton: It's fine will you escort me to my room 

She winked

Asher: Sure 

The other girls follow behind them. 

Annie: I better go I need to get this pool water out of my hair.

Navia: Oh me two it going to take forever to do my hair again 

The party was calming down everyone knew they should be on time.

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