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3rd POV

After the Picnic

The girls make it back to the Beast side of the castle. 

Jayden: Why did you say to only bring clothes for tomorrow and no PJ's for tonight 

Annie: My mom got us matching ones in our fav colors

Sofia: How did she know our sizes 

Annie: She asked your moms 

Lauren: Humm smart 

They walk into the room the princess had a pretty nice one full of books and things.

There was a blow-up mattress on the floor. The girls quickly got changed them there was a knock on the door.

Annie: It's open

Greg: We proudly present 

All: Snacks 

Grayson: Here you girls go goodnight don't stay up too late

Annie: Oh we're going shopping tomorrow 

Ethan: Do mom and dad know.

Annie: Yes 

Greg: Okay we'll leave you alone 

Olivia: So what first 

Annie: How about the face mask 

Ruby: Oh yeah 

They walk into the bathroom and do a face mask to do.

Navia: We have to take a picture.

They take some mirror selfies.

Jayden: Let's paint our nails and tell our deep crack secrets.

Ruby: Maybe not every secret but a few won't hurt. 

Sofia: Okay Ruby do you like anyone.

Ruby: No but I'm sure the moment we go to this whole school thing I will catch some feels. 

Sofia: Okay 

Jayden: How about you 


Navia: You like Matt 

Sofia: Hey I do not 

Annie: Yes you do it so cute!  You're always playing with each other 

Jayden: You can not talk girly what about Asher 

Annie: What about him 

Olivia: Hmm yeah right you were flirting today. 

Annie: I was not flirting but what about you and Joshua.

Olivia: What no 

Ruby: Oh come on you to would-be perfect together you and your musical babies

Annie: Clam it girl clam it 

Ruby: Sorry 

Navia: Let these dry then we can take these mask off 

Jayden: Ruby's right you totally would have cute babies 

They all giggle. 

Sofia: We should try doing our hair like the towel thing

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