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It's been quite a while, a month to be exact, since Jin found out he was pregnant. He occasionally would look at his stomach to see if it had grown at all. Every time he looked, it seemed to look the same. He had lost his abs, but other than that, nothing else was different. During this time, both Namjoon and Jin had been teaching Yoongi how to become more verbal. They had taught him the basics, and Yoongi seemed to learn everything else on their own, like the colors, shapes, animals. Donghun had become so protective of all of the boys. He was always helping with Junhee, Yoongi, and Chan. It seemed that Donghun looked at Yoongi like his own little brother. Knowing him, he was probably the one who taught Yoongi about colors and shapes, especially since that he liked to draw all the time. Jin was almost certain Jun had taught Yoongi the animals. It was adorable.

"Namjoon," Jin whined as he was laying in their bed. He had been sick that morning, so Namjoon decided that he need to rest. 

"Yes, baby?" Namjoon poked his head into the room to see Jin, laying in the bed, curled into the blankets. It made him feel bad because he couldn't really help him except for give him water and make him a bowl of ramen, one of the only things he was actually capable of making. Jin held up his little water cup. Namjoon smiled sadly and took it, going to fill it up. He passed by Yoongi in the living room, who was playing with a couple toy. He looked up when he heard the pouring of the water.

"Dada stiww sickie?" Yoongi pouted. Namjoon set the now filled cup on the counter and walked over to little Yoongi, sitting himself on the floor next to him and pulling him into his lap.

"Yes, baby. But he'll be better soon, okay?" Namjoon smiled. "How about tonight, before bedtime, we build a pillow fort and watch a movie?" He offered up the chance for the two to bond that night. He wanted to build good memories with his new son.

Yoongi's expression brightened. He had never built a fort, but he was excited and ready to do it for the first time.

"Wet do it, Appa!" Namjoon ruffled Yoongi's soft hair. Namjoon got up and grabbed the cup and bringing it to the older. As he brought it to Jin's room, he heard Jin tossing and turning in the bed, making him worry a little. He opened the door slowly to see Jin fast asleep, hugging one of the blankets. Namjoon set the cup on the bed side table and kissed his cheek, which had some sweat on it, but he didn't mind too much. He just hoped he felt better soon.


"Appa! Dada! Come!" Yoongi was practically dragging Namjoon out of the bedroom and into the living room. Jin had woken up refreshed, so he assumed it was just a little bit of morning sickness. Jin walked behind the two, chuckling at how Namjoon was being dragged. Like he had promised, Namjoon and Yoongi had built a pillow fort in there and together they picked out a movie. Jin sat down, putting little Yoongi in his lap. Jin wrapped the baby up with a baby blanket that he had when he was younger. He smiled when Yoongi pulled it closer to his body.

"Well, let's start the movie!" Namjoon turned on the TV.


11:07 pm

The movie finished and Yoongi was more than fast asleep in Jin's arms. Namjoon saw little Yoongi and kissed his forehead, making the baby smile in his sleep.

"We should probably get to bed. I had Yoongi's first checkup for tomorrow morning." Jin said as he lifted Yoongi so he could rest his chin on the adult's broad shoulder comfortably. Namjoon nodded as he yawned, stretching bit. The couple walked to their room, laying down on the bed with little Yoongi in the middle.

"Thank you for helping me today. It really means a lot." Jin smiled and kissed Namjoon's temple.

"Always and forever."

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