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It's been about three weeks since the birth of Hoseok. Namjoon and Jin had been able to balance having a toddler and a newborn out pretty well. Yoongi had started to step up and help with Hoseok with the little things, like picking out an outfit or something like that. Jin always found it so adorable how much Yoongi cared about his brother. Although both him and Namjoon had totally forgotten about how crazy it could get by staying in the same place for a while.

"Appa!" Yoongi ran into the room Namjoon was in, Namjoon on his phone scrolling through whatever he was doing.

"What is it, sweetie?" Namjoon asked, ruffling Yoongi's soft hair.

"Baby brover crying," Yoongi tried to drag Namjoon by the hand, but he was already getting up to go check on the baby. As expected, little Hoseok was bawling. Namjoon lifted him out of the crib, taking him and laying him on a little playmat in the living room so he could make a bottle for him.

"Please stay here and watch him for me, please," Namjoon told Yoongi. Yoongi obeyed and went and sat himself next to Hoseok. When Namjoon came back, he immediately lifted the baby onto his lap and started to feed him. The crying settled down, the baby already falling asleep right after. Namjoon smiled, giving both of his boys little pecks on their cheeks. Namjoon took Hoseok to his crib, laying him down softly. He tip-toed out quickly before meeting his older son.

"Where Papa?" the baby asked, a pout forming on his lip slightly.

"Remember, hun? Papa's doing something with Uncle BK and Uncle Sehyoon." He had invited them both to the gym. Mainly because he wanted his abs back and also BK had abs, and Jin knew BK worked out shirtless. Namjoon picked up little Yoongi and took him to his bed, rocking him a little before laying him down.

Finally. A little time for myself.

Namjoon sat on the couch, turning on the TV to the lowest volume. He grabbed his computer that was on the armrest and logged into it. He pulled up one of those hotel finding apps. He was going to surprise the family, mainly Jin, to the shore where he proposed to him. He had found the one he was looking for and immediately booked it. Namjoon smiled. He loved his family with his whole heart, body, and soul. Namjoon finished up and turned off his computer. He watched his TV until he heard the door open, seeing Jin with the hugest smile on his face.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Namjoon teased as he walked over and wrapped his arms around Jin's waist.

"Sehyoon offered to walk BK home after we worked out," Jin chuckled. Namjoon laughed slightly.

"Well, I have even better news," Namjoon said, Jin cocking his head to the side in confusion.

"I booked us a hotel by the beach side, and we're going next week." Jin's eyes widened and he smiled so big. He was already so excited. Jin remembered when he was around Yoongi's age when he went to the sea for the first time, and he wanted to share those same memories with his first son.

"I can't wait." Namjoon kissed Jin on his lips. He couldn't wait either.

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