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"Dada, whewe we go?" Yoongi asked Jin as the little family was walking in the direction of the nearby doctor's office.

"You're going to see the doctor, sweetie," Jin coed as he lifted Yoongi up onto his hip. Yoongi had the look of worry on his face as he raised his head off Jin's shoulder to look at him. Must have been a new term for the little one. Jin kissed his cheek and held him close to his body.

"You're gonna be okay, baby. We're just going to see him so he can make sure you're good to go play with Junhee and Donghun later," Jin explained, although Yoongi stopped listening to him after he heard the word "play." Namjoon smiled as Yoongi rested his head on Jin's shoulder.

When the family made it to the doctor's office, Jin passed Yoongi over to Namjoon so he could go check in. Namjoon sat down, putting Yoongi down on to the floor to go play with all the little toys on the floor.

"Appa, paci?" Yoongi asked, giving him the doe eyes. He put his hand out, expecting him to immediately put in his chubby, little hand. Namjoon smiled as he pulled out the Kumamon paci he kept in his coat pocket. He gently put it into his hand, the baby immediately putting it into his mouth. Once he was satisfied, he toddled away to go play with the little items on the floor.

"They should be calling him soon," Jin said as he sat down next to Namjoon. Namjoon leaned in and kissed Jin's cheek, catching him totally off guard. Jin face flushed a bright pink, making Namjoon laugh.

"You're so cute, Jinnie."

"Shut up."

"Kim Yoongi?" One of the nurses called, making the baby cock his head up at the sound of his name. He set the rattle he was playing with down and toddled over to Jin, making grabby hands to be picked. Jin immediately picking him up and walking down the hall. When it came to being held, Yoongi was spoiled.

"Can you please take off his shoes so I can get his weight?" The nurse asked, Namjoon nodding as he at Yoongi down on the chair. Yoongi was quite an obedient child, so he let him. Jin led him over to the scale and had him stand on it, quickly getting his weight before he started getting squirmy. They took his blood pressure and then led the family over to one of the rooms for the rest of the checkup. Namjoon had volunteered to sit on the little examining table to keep Yoongi in place.

"Have you ever seen this doctor before?" Namjoon asked as he let the baby play with his fingers.

"Nope. I only came here because BK recommended him to me. I know he used to take his little ones here." Jin shrugged. He cocked his head once he heard a knock on the door. The door opened, revealing a male.

"Good morning. Are you the Kims?" The doctor asked. He had an Australian accent with a deep voice. Jin nodded.

"I'm Dr. Lee Felix. I will be checking out Yoongi today." the doctor smiled warmly at the baby. Dr. Felix checked Yoongi out, making him giggle every once in a while, with his impressions and occasional high-pitched voice. It made the adults laugh to

"To my knowledge, little Yoongs is quite a new part to the Kim family, no?" He asked pulling up some records. Jin nodded.

"Yes, sir. We adopted him a little more than a month ago." He explained, the doctor typing away at his computer.

"I see. Do you know of any allergies or anything in the sorts?"

"Not currently. There weren't many records of the little boy besides his birth certificate. Other than that, practically nothing." He explained. The doctor nodded, thinking a bit.

"Well, thinking about the future, I would much rather deal with finding out all allergies here and now in a controlled setting rather than find out only one of them in an uncontrolled setting." He explained. Namjoon and Jin looked at each other.

"Would it take long?"

"Well, if we got the bloodwork done now, results would be in tomorrow morning at the earliest," he told them.

"I guess you should go ahead and do it," Namjoon smiled.  Dr. Lee nodded as he left. Yoongi, who was too preoccupied with rings on Namjoon's hand to pay attention. It was when the doctor came back in with the supplies when Yoongi realized what was going on. Jin noticed this. He walked over the toddler who was now ready to just cry his heart out at any moment.

"Hey, hey. You're going to be perfectly fine. It'll only hurt for one second. I promise," Jin said, Yoongi making grabby hands towards the adult. Jin held one of his little hands and proceeded to cover his eyes with the other. The doctor was quick with his work. He quickly finished and put a Doraemon bandage on his arm. Jin took his hands away, the baby looking at his arm to see the bandage. He showed to the adults. Jin picked him up and showered him with praise and affection.

"You did so well, baby," Jin praised, Yoongi laying his head on Jin's shoulder.


The three had been walking back to their place to meet the younger there, the baby fast asleep, now on Namjoon's shoulder. The married couple made it, passing by an open door with boxes all around. There was a man with black hair, who was bringing them inside. He looked about Jin's age. Very handsome, too.

"Hey, do you need any help?" Jin offered. The guy turned around, smiling at the little family.

"Just bringing those two last boxes into the house." He said, Jin doing just that. The dude bowed in respect.

"Thank you..." he paused.

"Oh! Kim Seokjin. That's my husband, Kim Namjoon, and our son, Kim Yoongi." He explained. The adult smiled.

"Kim Sehyoon. It's was nice to meet you! See you around." He exclaimed, waving before he closed his door. Jin smiled at his husband.

"He seems nice. Maybe we should become friends with him?" Namjoon offered. Jin shrugged.

"We'll see."

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