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Jin laid in the hospital bed, recovering from the procedure. Baby Hoseok laid in the Namjoon's arms, the baby also being fast asleep. Namjoon rubbed his back softly, placing a small kiss on the top of his head. Namjoon knew that Sehyoon, BK, and the kids would be coming soon, but he didn't want to wake up his husband. He was probably overly exhausted. Luckily, his problem was solved rather quickly. Jin stirred a bit, waking himself up. He stretched his arms, letting out a soft yawn.

"Do you know what time everyone's heading over?" Jin asked rubbing his eyes, his voice raspy from sleep. Namjoon got up and placed the baby in the bassinet provided by the hospital. He then walked over to Jin, sitting next to him on the bed.

"Sehyoon is coming with Yoongi right now, and Byeongkwan said he'd be here as soon as he finished something for work," Namjoon said, giving Jin a small peck on the cheek. After about five or so minutes, there was a knock on the door to the room, Sehyoon opening the door and peeking in the room. He receiving the thumbs up from Namjoon that it was okay to come in. Sehyoon had been carrying little Yoongi, the little one bouncing up and down in his arms excitedly to meet his new baby brother. Namjoon smiled at the two, taking Yoongi from Sehyoon's arms.

"You ready to meet your new baby brother," Namjoon asked softly, receiving a very excited nod in return. Namjoon brought Yoongi over, holding him under his arms to see the sleeping baby. Yoongi's eyes widened, his little gummy smile coming out as he saw the little bundle of blanket that held the baby.

"Baby brover tiny." Yoongi said softly, reaching down and touching the baby's cheek gently. Namjoon smiled and kissed his son's cheek. Sehyoon walked over, looking into the bassinet, smiling as he looked at the little baby. About an hour later, Byeongkwan and his kids came in, Junhee opening the door for the rest of them

"Can I hold him?" Junhee asked as soon as he walked in. Namjoon and Jin chuckled at how excited he was. It was adorable.

"Sweetie, you're too little," Byeongkwan said, ruffling the boy's hair. Junhee looked up and pouted at his appa.

"What about me, Appa?" Donghun asked, already looking at little Hoseok in the bassinet. Byeongkwan bit his lip, not knowing what to say.

"Yes, but maybe later," he finally said. Donghun nodded as he took Junhee and Yoongi to go play with the toys in the corner. Namjoon smiled as he lifted the baby out of the bassinet, taking him over to Jin. Jin took the baby, cradling him and placing a small kiss on his forehead.

"He's so cute," Sehyoon coed, Byeongkwan nodding his head in agreement. Hoseok started to stir, opening his eyes to see his parents. Jin stroked his cheek, a couple of tears running down his own cheeks. He silently promised that he would protect him with his life. Donghun got up and walked over, Jin noticing the oldest child.

"Do you wanna hold him, hun?" He asked softly, Donghun nodding.

"Namjoon, can you set him up over there?" Jin asked, pointing towards a chair in the corner. Namjoon nodded, leading the boy over to the seat. He quickly set him up and went to take the baby from Jin's hold. Gently, he put baby Hoseok in Donghun's arms, the little boy being slightly nervous when the baby squirmed a bit.

"You're okay, honey. Just make sure to support his head," Byeongkwan said softly, crouching near the little boy with the baby in his small arms. Jin, Namjoon, and Sehyoon watched little Donghun and Byeongkwan's interactions fondly, finding it adorable.

"You're gonna be such a great hyung to him and all your brothers and cousins." Byeongkwan told Donghun softly. Jin smiled. He knew he was a great hyung to the others, and he was thankful for it.

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