🧸Chapter thirteen🧸

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Y/n wakes up to a knock at the door

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Y/n wakes up to a knock at the door.

She opens it and sees a random dude who looks like a psychopath.

" uh... lemme go get uh dressed " she scratches the back of her neck while shutting the door in this face slowly.

" who's that? " momo asks while yawning and stretching.

" some random guy " y/n shrugs and runs into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Time skip

Once she's done she walks out and moms sitting on her phone peacefully.

She walks to the door and the guy is still there.

" so why are you here? " she asks politely while scanning him up and down.

" momo is in this room right?! " She nods slowly as he jumps up and down like a child.

" momo? " y/n gesture her over and she waddles her way over.

Once she gets there the guy gets on his knee and pulls out a expensive ring.

" HAHA " y/n bursts out laughing at the dude as momo becomes nervous.

" what? " he asks angrily while standing up and y/n shrugs.

" momo will you marry me? " he asks politely and momo clings onto y/n.

" I'm sorry but no " he becomes more angry and sees them with interlocked arms.

" AHHHH! " he yells before pouncing on y/n and punching her repeatedly.

Y/n flips them over and punches him two times before he pulls out something sharp and jabs it into her side.

She punches him forcefully and knocks him out cold.

" the staff and girls come running in the room and half of the the staff drag them man out to the police and the others wait for an ambulance.

" I'm fine " y/n says before looking at a kitchen knife in her side.

" can you grab me my phone and AirPods? " she asks weakly and Sana runs to grab them off the bed.

She brings them and y/n stuff them in her pocket.

She stands up and wraps something around her waist before limping out to the ambulance herself.

" YOU'RE CRAZY! " Nayeon yells and they run after her.

" only one person is allowed to go with so I'm supposing her father and you must be her...? " one of the guys tilts his head and Nayeon smirks.

" girlfriend " he nods and let's Nayeon inside the ambulance.

" we lose her pulse " the guy yells and they use the shock method to regain her pulse.

They get there and she's rushed into surgery right away.

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