chapter 2

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Alternative Title: You tryna make emi-senpai understand that her love interest is not interested in her and you also watched a rap battle with katsuki and neto before joining the fight with your holy t-pose.


You let out a disgruntled groan at the ruckus happening near the Finance Lobby. What the heck are those people all excited about? Is there a new movie? Gossip?

You wish they could lower down their volume. You're working your ass of here to finish your weekly quota, don't they know it's still office hours?Insensitive pricks.

A familiar Aegean-mop of hair pop out of the table next to you, hoarding a big grin on its face - why Emi-senpai is hiding under the table is weird, but she was always weird to begin with.

"Yo!" She putted an arm around you. "My kouhai, aren't you going to meet our new workers? You know? To get chummy and have new friends?"

What. "What?" Your face scrunched at the question. Hiring season is still months away? No one mentioned someone getting promoted? What?

Emi laughed at your reaction before slapping your back with a force that leaves you breathless. Literally. You felt the air leaving your lungs swiftly before you try inhaling some of them back to your body - getting an uncommon feeling of your nose filling up with unknown liquid and your mouth feeling uncharacteristically dry.

"You weren't listening at our morning announcements, weren't you? Boy! Good thing you aren't caught." Your senior joked, having a big grin on her face that seems to burn her cheeks.

You're still wheezing for air.

"Right!" If she noticed you suffering, she's doing a fine job at ignoring it. Your senpai pumped her fists with an excited demeanor, feat ready for an explanation. "President Toshinari is hosting a year long employee exchange program with Yueii's sister companies. All departments have to switch four employees to another company and we're one of them!"

Kami. Wait. What?

Your breathlessness became intense as you invest the knowledge in your mind. You missed that kind of announcement?! Curse the oni-trio for being too annoying and distracting - that's one of your one way ticket to leave this horrid place!

Well. This Monday wasn't that awful as last Friday, but still? You'd sacrifice your sleep just to get out of this place while also retaining your salary rate.

You wanted to ask your senior who are the lucky people who got picked, but you were forced to be quiet by an untimely tight hug around your waist. Emi-senpai have a beguiling muscular form, one that a fanatic like you appreciates, but she's misusing her manly strength on your poor untrained body."

The top finance office is exchanging their seasoned employees while in second finance is in charge with the kouhai! Ain't that exciting? "Your oxygen deprived expression turn into a hopeful one.

 The second finance is in charge with the juniors!? You're a junior! Oh my kami? 

Why didn't you paid attention on this one?

Please, let the junior be you!? Please let it be you!!

"I tried recommending you, but it seems like Sekijiro-san managed to sway the others in voting for Tomura-kun and Himiko-chan."


You silently accepted defeat.Your short-live excitement quickly dampened at the news. You know you won't have the chance to get picked because you don't schmooze with your boss and seniors - so believing that you have any chance was stupid of you. 

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