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Biology was the class that sixteen year old Tansy Meadows dreaded the most.

It wasn't because of the subject itself, it was mainly that she hated the class teacher, the old fashioned Mrs Smith, who always picked on Tansy. It was no help that the young girl had no friends in the class.

As much as we wanted to drop the subject, she couldn't. This was one of the more vital subjects she would need if she wanted to progress her dreams to become a nurse. Despite the hatred, Tansy decided to stick in and pursue her dreams.

"And I will be pairing you for the two week long assignment, which counts towards twenty five percent of your over all grade." Mrs Smith announced, making the whole class roll their eyes.

"Enough of the eye rolling, Meadows." The older woman shot a look at the smaller blonde girl, who had only followed the actions of her classmates. Tansy knew it was better to keep quiet rather than standing her ground against the teacher who hated her the most.

After pairing up everybody else in the class, it was down to the remaining two students, with one of them being Tansy and the other being a boy tansy had never spoken to in all her school years.

"Which leaves you Meadows and you at the back." She snarled at the younger boy, who didn't seem to take her fancy either.

Following her orders and being given the instructions for the next two weeks, Tansy was sat next to her new partner.

"I'm Tansy." The girl offered the brunette boy a genuine smile, who automatically returned it. "At least we can suffer doing this project together."

"And I'm Ben."Ben Chilwell chuckled at the girl's words. "i'm glad I'm not the only one, my guidance teacher forced me into this class."

"It happens to the worst of us." The blonde smirked, having only known each other two minutes, they immediately clicked.

"I don't actually understand any of the topics we can base it on." He sheepishly admitted, screwing his face up at the list.

"Cellular respiration? What in the world?"

"I can tell Biology isn't your strongest point, at all." Tansy smirked once again. "Don't worry, I'll explain it all to you."


"I cancelled my football training for this and I don't even get a word of this biology thing." Ben shook his head in frustration, as he sipped his coffee in the local cafe.

"If I was you I'd rather go to football training." Tansy shook her head.

She could tell how hard Ben was trying but nothing ever stuck with him.

"You didn't have to take the time off for me."

"Who said it was for you?" Ben questioned, sheepishly. "I like spending time with you, anyway."

"You'd rather be here with the most boring girl doing the most boring subject than doing something you love?" Tansy squinted in confusion. "You really are something else, Chilwell."

"Don't Chilwell me, Meadows." The aspiring football shook his head at the girl. "Now shut up and explain cellular respiration again to me."

"Or what are you going to do?"  The blonde chuckled. Although she'd only spent a short amount of time with her partner, she knew he was an easy one to wind up.

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