𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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With everything going well in Ben's favour (for once in the boys life) and an unforgettable performance last week against Arsenal, with Ben grabbing a goal and a few assists and overall playing well all over the park, the press and media were having a field day splurging rumours everywhere for days on end. The most recent and reoccurring rumour was that Chelsea were looking to submit a transfer offer for the defender within the upcoming transfer window.

Although it was all paper talk, who knows what the future holds?

"Have you seen all the paper talk? If your going to Chelsea then I must be the next David Beckham!" Ben's teammate James Maddison chuckled away to himself, with Ben not returning the same energy. "Am I missing something? You alright there, mate?"

"Personally, I think a move to Chelsea would even better my career. With what's being said, it's looking bright for all of us." Ben stated, leaving his best friend in complete shock.

"Snap out of it mate, it's only paper talk." James was more than desperate to knock the older boy back down to reality, even for a minute. "They haven't even come forward for you, that type of stuff discuss it with your agent."

"Still, it would be a good move for me mate, wouldn't it?" The darker haired boy looked for some advice on the current situation, despite nothing actually being confirmed for the given moment.

"How many times have I been linked to Manchester United over the years and they've never come knocking. They can't even get a hold of that Sancho lad." The other boy explained to him, trying not to get his hopes up. "A move to another Premier League club or somewhere bigger and better would be the dream and better anybody's career but don't get to hopeful, Ben."

"Yeah, I guess you have a point." He sighed, although he hadn't completely lost hope just yet. "Although, I've already been looking into it and it has it's pros, for both me and Tansy. I think she'd love London."

"Well there's a flaw already, how does that work around Tansy? Hasn't she just started her new job in the Mental Health Unit at the hospital here? I doubt their going to be happy when she's away after a month or two." James instantly noticed one of the many flaws in his plan.

"I've already worked it out. The NHS do work transfers all over the UK so Leicester to London isn't really that for of a stretch for them." He explained, although it was clear his head was still in the clouds.

"Have you even spoken to her about it?"

"Not yet but that was tonight's plan, she should be completely fine about it." He said, still completely confident about all of it.

"Well, good luck to you buddy." A sceptical James patted him on the back. "Just don't let it all go to that big head of yours, yeah?"


"I don't think I'm ever going to get over these twelve hour shifts but it's rewarding." Tansy yawned, entering the living room where a bright eyed Ben sat and waited for her. "How was training, love?"

"Great, although James' thinks I'm being big headed again." Ben said, rolling his eyes at the comment. "Although you'll agree I'm clever, as always."

"James isn't wrong, that forehead is massive." She giggled sitting next to him on the sofa. "So tell me, what's this next debate about? You two putting the world to rights again."

"The Chelsea rumours." Ben explained. "He think's I'm letting the speculation and all get to my head, although I think a move would benefit me."

"It's gone to your head." She immediately agreed with his teammate. "There's no way I'm doing long distance again, not after we've finally gotten back to base."

"So you're saying you wouldn't come with me?" The footballer already started to get a little defensive over the situation, although that reaction surprised no one nowadays. "You said you'd always support me, especially when it comes to this."

"Your being deluded, Ben." Tansy didn't take a word of it already. "I'm trying to settle in the unit, I don't want to be moving round the country like a lost sheep. I'd happily support you but I don't think now's the right time. Until Chelsea come forward for you or you hear otherwise from your agent or Brendan then I don't want to hear anymore of it."

"But there is a way you can come with me, Tans." Ben pleaded, with what Tansy said going in one ear then straight out the other. "I've already looked into it and your work can easily arrange transfers, there's lots of places you can get to within London."

"Are you tone deaf or something? I said we'd have this conversation if things were actually confirmed but it's all just rumours." She hit back immediately. "I also don't appreciate you going behind my back to do that either, working in London was never apart of the plan and it never is. Maybe I should have just stayed back in Edinburgh." Tansy huffed away at her boyfriend.

"Tans, you don't mean that, do you?" He said, frowning slightly of the reality of what was actually happening. "Waken up, it's a fresh start for us."

"We got our fresh start and it was going well up till this point, as usual you always find a way to bollocks it up." Tansy shook her head at him in disbelief. "Speak to me when you've come back down to planet earth."

"But wait, Tansy." Ben pleased once more, keeping the young girl on her toes. "At least consider it."

"I've considered it and you're letting it go to that big head of yours." She huffed once more. "I'll tell you what, it's staying in Leicester for me and my work even for a year or it's you and that big head trotting off to London." Tansy had the last word before walking out of the living room.


i can't believe that this is almost it already (despite this being on the go for around six months lmao) there is now only two chapters + the epilogue to go, but will these two get their happy ending?

well you'll just have to keep reading to find out i'm afraid!

𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞, 𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now