Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Giovanni's P.O.V.


Im currently waiting in the VIP bar for Miognette and boy is that girl slow. I've had 10 tequila shots now and 5 cigarette sticks.

I stared at the window overlooking the people on the dance floor. Each person was filled with euphoria.

Look at them enveloped by the drugs of this place, Ecstasy. A type of drug that creates hallucinations and a false need for pleasure. I had every drink in this bar mixed with it. Luckily, I have quite a strong resistance when in comes to stuff like that. Drugs,Alcohol etc. due to forced intake in my youthful years.

Sure, it was dangerous  and illegal to have those things but it benefit me and them. So, it was a win-win situation. They'll be in a state of euphoria and I get a big income out of it. Besides, they're just soulless, spoiled rich kids who has their parent's money to cover for them, and their parent's are too much of a pussy to act up against me.

My thoughts were interrupted when the door flew open and walked in a beautiful girl in a red dress.

I stared at Miognette stomping towards me and I thought,

She is indeed a beautiful girl. If she was born in a noble or rich family then our paths would've crossed a long time ago, but then again, she would've been another thirsty girl who's after me and my money. She would not have been her.


she shouted and raised her hand to slap me, luckily I stopped her.

Who told her? I thought

My eyes widened at her actions, but I still remained calm despite the surprise.

"Who told you?" I asked her, staring at her brown eyes filled with anger.

"IT DOESN'T MATTER! YOU KILL PEOPLE YOU VICIOUS MAN!" She screamed while struggling from my grasp.

I shot her an angry look and pinned her on the sofa,

"Don't test me mia bella, I'm usually an aggressive man." I said in a low tone.

That is true, sometimes I shock myself at how patient I am with this woman specifically. How my mind and body reacts just to her. When she got bullied by that baker back at the mall my body just acted out on it's own.

"What are you gonna do? kill me?" She snapped back her eyes still filled with rage

I narrowed my eyes and stared at her,

I can, but why won't I?

"Rape me, kill me, do whatever you want. You'll just prove how much of an Evil man you are." She said

I was taken aback by what she replied to me and for the first time in forever I felt scared,

She's right, Im a dangerous man. I know how unstable I am. I can hurt her without even knowing it.

I stood up and brushed my hair in frustration I stared at her, her expression went from anger to shocked,

I grabbed my coat and walked outside. I ordered my suits not to follow me but to keep an eye on her.

I went to the balcony and took out a blunt. I stared at the street and thought of how sexy Miognette look.

I inhaled the fumes and exhaled it out, and a huge wave of heat washed over me.

Fuck. The ecstasy's getting to me. I probably drank too much. The heat continued to burn hotter.

I closed my eyes and put my hands inside my pocket. A vision of Miognette on my bed naked and is hungry for me is getting me hard.

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