Chapter 31

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Lydia's POV

I stood infront of my bestfriend's tomb stone.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect her Lanette. But I swear in the name of You, I will use everything in my power to hide her away and never let them take her. She suffered enough. But did I tell you how beautiful she is? I didnt meet her in person but I saw pictures." I said popping a squat on the grass, making myself comfortable.

"She has your beautiful face and she was blessed with her father's unique eyes. She is beautiful, No wonder the Signore found her attractive. I told you everything will fall in place. You gotta have a little faith." I said and can't help the tears that fell from my eyes.

I reminisced the memories that we had and I still can't believe you're gone...

Miognette's POV

I woke up and found myself back in the rose garden.

the hell am I doing here?

Confused I decided to explore the garden.

" Papa! papa! Thank you so much for this "

It's the same kid from my dream.

"Celestina, you will inherit all of these. You will own every single one."

"Isn't too soon for her?" The lady with the familiar voice said.

"When she grows up, then she will be ready. She will rule like I did. She will be kind but feared. She will be beautiful but dangerous. She will be the one. She has to."

My eyes slowly opened and saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

where in the hell am I?

I looked around and saw 2 ladies beside me sleeping soundly.

It was Freddy and Rosa. I stood from the bed, careful not to wake up the two.

I roamed around the room looking for the person who was with us.

I walked to the bathroom and opened the huge door. There I met Sofia's red eyes, giving me the guess of her crying. She was on the floor, curled up in a ball.

I quickly walked to her and kneeled down to meet her gaze.

"Sofia? What's wrong? are you okay? did something happen?" I said in a gentle manner.

She just looked at me and hugged me, she was still crying.

"I-I...I had a miscarriage." She said in between her sobbs as she dug her face in my hair.

I couldn't believe what she said. I was dumbfounded about what I heard. Now that I think about it, she drunk a lot on the plane. I forgot about her being pregnant since she didn't really told me about the story.

"Hey It's okay. Tell me what happened." I said rubbing her back.

She separated from the hug and started talking,

"Let's start from the beginning. It started 8 months ago. It was true when the girls from the bathroom said that I was only a maid. Kristoff was drunk one night..."

*This flashback is brought to you by my annoying ass niece.*


Sofia's POV

I woke up from the sound of the engine roaring outside. I looked up at the clock to see it was already 3:32 AM. I scurried and put on clothes to open the main door for the young master.

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