Kiss me again *A Skrillex Love story*

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I looked out the window at the forest whooshing by the train, wishing I could think of a good title to name the track I had just made. This was one of the hardest parts of being a producer, especially when one was prone to writer's block. Not that this was anything like writing some epic novel but, I liked my titles to have an impact, and right now, nothing was coming.

With my pen tapping the wooden table in the cafe area of the train, I don't guess I noticed when Sonny came up and sat down across from me with a bagel in his hand.

"Sup?" he said through a mouthful of wheat bread, making me jump at the sudden noise. "Jumpy much?" he asked, looking down at his food like it had just insulted him.

"Nah, you're just one scary dude." I said jokingly, closing my MAC and stashing my pen in my pocket.

"Ha-Ha." He said, not in his normal bubbly mood. I stared at him for a moment, trying to read his features until I just gave up and asked.

"What's the matter, bro?" I said, (I call all my guy friends "dude", or "bro", that's what happens when you have a brother as an only sibling.)

"Nothing, it was just a rough night." Sonny said, throwing half of his barely touched bagel in the trash bin. 

" I heard you on the phone with Ellie," I said, "Did something happen between you guys?" I asked, concerned for my Bestfriend's fragile heart. 

"yeah, we broke up." He gazed out the window with a look that I could tell wasn't as sad as it should have been.

"Shit, man, I'm so sorry." I apologized, never having been good with dealing with deep emotions.

"Nah, it's fine." He said, "we were too different anyway, and with our schedules, we never got to see each other."

I looked around, trying to think of something to say. Finally, I did.

"You wanna get Road Hog a cup of coffee and put ketchup in as the creamer?" I said with an impish grin, trying to take his mind off his now ex. He looked at me with a half smile, that grew as he spoke.

"You are the most random person I have ever come in contact with." He said, Beaming now, so I could tell he was up for the prank.

"I'm gonna get the camera." Sonny said, already starting to snicker.

"I'll get the coffee and the ketchup." I said

When we both had everything ready, camera and all, we started heading for the hog's room.

*Two hours later*

"Look! Look! He did a total spit-take all over his bunk!" Penny cackled with laughter as we all watched the video of Hog's reaction to his condiment laced drink.

"Man, how you gon' explain those red stains bruh?" John (12th planet) joked, smacking hog playfully on the back.

"That shit wasn't funny." Road Hog said, almost laughing at himself in the video, rubbing his tongue  on a random shirt.

"No, that was prank of the tour, man!" Sonny said, taking a drag of his cigarette, "It's going on youtube." he laughed, nodding his head as if agreeing with himself.

"No! No Fucking way!" Hog protested, so we held a vote and it was nearly unanimous (minus the Hog himself's vote) that the video would be uploaded. So, Sonny downloaded the file onto his computer and put it on his youtube page. Minutes later, there were already likes and comments on the video. So, having nothing else to do, we all sat and listened to Sonny scroll through what people had said and read the funny ones outloud.

Halfway through the comments, there was a joke about The hog being "One sexy beast" which everyone laughed at since the man in question choked on his water when he heard it. But the second part of that same comment was weird and I guess Sonny just didn't realize what he was reading before he read it out loud. It said, "Damn, one day off Ellie, and skrills already has Ashes to contend with. Get that ass, bro!"

I felt my cheeks burst into flames and all of us stared at Sonny to see what he'd say. We waited for almost half a minute, and I thought he was having a moment but, then his eyes lit up again and he read a comment that was too hilarious not to laugh at.

For the rest of the night, no one talked about the comment that mentioned Ellie, the one that put me in the middle of everything. It was just one of those things better left alone. But, I couldn't keep myself from noticing that every once in a while, Sonny would read a comment, and act like it continued but, stop short and move on. It made me wonder just what was being said on that brightly lit electronic screen.

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