Do you have a Problem?

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As the bell rang, I stood up unbalanced, slightly tilting side to side. Rachael waited for me, then cleared her throat. "Hey, um, I know this sucks, but I have to walk in the direction exactly opposite of you." I didn't even try to fake a smile. "Shit. Oh well, I can't expect to have you in all of my classes." I shrugged with a matter-of-factly face. She nodded understandingly. "Well, I should probably go now, I don't wanna be late on the first day of school." "Yeah....see you later, I guess..." I waved once, then turned around and started walking down the hall. Let's 36, room 36, where is that? I looked at the school map, and turned into the hall right of me, to find 36 dead in front of me. I walked in, only to see that no one I had even known from middle school was in my class. Not that it mattered, but still, it's a teeny bit comforting to at least know someone. I took a seat that was one from the back, all the other seats were taken, some guy had already taken the back. "Why does it smell like dead carcass?" I turned to see him laughing at his own joke. He had short hair, but it was spiked. He had gauges in his ears, platinum blonde hair, and bluish-green eyes. He was tall and lanky, even taller than Shane! I knew for a fact that I smelled good...why did he say that? I smirked in a haha-you're-so-funny way and turned around. "Were they already dead or did you have to hunt?" Okay, this guy was pissing me off, and I didn't even know his name. I turned around to see him not laughing, but smirking. "Do you have a problem, or are you just always this annoying?" I didn't smirk this time, I spoke with full seriousness. He smirked and shrugged, enjoying my aggrivation. I turned around again, thinking he was going to say something else. Instead, he dug into my upper back and snapped my bra strap. I whirled around. "What the hell?!" He laughed again as I rolled my eyes. "Did Jenny Walkers pay you or something?!" He stopped laughing, but kept a smirk. "I don't know a Jenny Walkers." He had a smug smile on his face, and I could feel myself already starting to hate him. "Whatever." I turned around again, this time suppressing my anger. I felt a poke in my side, and I jumped from being so ticklish. I forced myself not to turn around, although I knew he wanted me to. He poked my side again, making me squirm again. I heard him sniggering, and said through my teeth," Don't fucking touch me." He seemed to stop, and he didn't attempt to piss me off for five minutes. Then, after I was sure he wasn't going to poke me again, I felt both of my sides jabbed and I jumped at least two inches from my chair. I was so angry, I stomped on his foot as hard as I could. I heard a grunt, and smiled smugly knowing I had caused some pain. I was suprised the teacher wasn't noticing all of this, then again, he was pretty much hiding behind his computer while we were supposed to be watching a slideshow of what this class would be like. I knew already that this guy's main objective was to piss me off...but why? I didn't even know the asshole's name..."It's Damian, by the way." What the FUCK?! I was freaked out, but I acted normal. "And why do you think I would care?" I asked. He didn't answer. I was hoping he wouldn't....when I thought everything had ended, things became even more awkward. "Are you guys like, exes?" We both turned to a typical dumb blonde, who was twirling her long ponytail. We looked at each other, him with suprise, me with disgust. "Oh," she said. "I thought because it seemed like you guys don't get along...." She trailed off and turned back to the slide show. "Oh, really? No fuckin' shit, Sherlock!" I muttered under my breath. Although I didn't mean for anyone to hear me, Damian laughed silently. I almost laughed myself, but forced it back and accepted a small smile. No way I was gonna laugh with him. Hell no. Although it was one small moment we shared together, I still greatly disliked him. We didn't talk for the rest of class, but I could feel him staring at me. It made me feel uncomfortabe, because guys never stared at me(in the way that Damian was). I felt like I was being inspected closely at every angle on everything. I started to feel so uncomfortable I shrunk in my seat. Thankfully, I could feel his eyes drift away from me then. Why would he stare at me?! It was so confusing...Finally, the slideshow ended and the lights came back on. We still had five minutes in the class, but I wanted to get the hell out of there as fast as possible. I leaned over to get my back pack, which was unfortunately, facing him sideways, so I would see him out of the corner of my eye. As I bent down to get my back pack, I could feel him looking at me again, but this time, it was at my face. "Whoa, wait a sec! Look at me." What the hell did he want me to look at him for? I reluctantly turned, and I saw him intensely studying my eyes. "Dude....are your eyes purple?!" I was shocked that he noticed, considering the fact that no one wants to look me in the eyes. "Uh, yeah. They are." He still studied them very hard. "They're contacts, right?" I wasn't suprised he asked this question, I mean come on, there's only been one person in the world who has had natural purple eyes, and that was Elizabeth Taylor. Although, my eyes were very vivid. "Nope. They're real." He stared in disbelief. "I don't believe you. Prove you're not wearing contacts." I sighed, he was so childish. I put my finger on my eye and moved it around. "See? They're real." He was taken aback. "Wow...I mean they're like, really really purple." He leaned in closer, which made me lean father away without even blinking. He leaned back to normal. "Sorry..." He had obviously made the situation extremely awkward, causing neither one of us to make eye contact again until his over confidence kicked back in. "You never told me your name," He said with a cocky smile. "So? I didn't even ask for your name." He scoffed. "But I told you anyway, so it's only fair that you tell me yours." He still had the same cocky smile. I sighed, there was no point in arguing with him, he would only irritate me. "It's Meghan," I said as the bell rang for second period.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2011 ⏰

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