Bus Ride to Hell

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I was in a bleh mood today, especially since I barely got any sleep last night....not that I ever do get good sleep. The thing that sucks about being half a vampire is that you have sleep problems. Never once in my life have I slept for over five hours. I didn't exactly get as dressed up as everyone else did. Actually, I wore the most bum outfit I could. Before I walked out the door, I grabbed my black travel cup and filled it with my favorite blood. Yes, it's human, but it was donated. Over the years, my mother has a vampire doctor friend, so we're always able to get donated blood. Or, sometimes I just finish the deed of death if someone is going to die in less than twelve hours. Oh, did I mention blood has super powered vitamins? Yeah, I've never had health problems because the blood is so healthy. Well, at least maybe for vamps. After stirring in a hint of passion fruit flavoring, I headed out the door. Well, I thought, here we go. I walked to the end of my street and waited for my bus to come. I had never preferred riding the bus because Rachael wasn't on my bus. Rachael Tabitha Nickson has been my best friend ever since the first grade when we first met. I didn't tell her I was half a vampire until seventh grade. Surprisingly, she believed me without me having to prove anything. She doesn't feel scared or weird around me because we've known each other for so long. As for any other friends, there's none. She's the only person who would step within two feet of me in elementary school, and honestly, I don't know why. So after what seemed like forever, the bus finally pulled up to the stop. The doors opened, and I stepped on. As I walked through the dark isles, I noticed that most of the people were actually sleeping. I felt a twinge of excitement, relieved that no one would be staring at how "weird" I was. After I found an empty seat, I set my back pack down and took a sip of my vita-blood. It was so weird that something that tasted so good and fattening was extremely healthy! But I had to be extremely careful not to spill it, because once human blood touches a vampire's lips, it causes the blood to stain whatever it touches forever. But I might "accidentally" spill some on Jenny Walkers' new top.....heh. But I would never have the guts. She'd send me straight to the office because every teacher thinks she's little miss innocent. Unfortunately, every teacher I've had thinks I'm a pot head. I'm the exact opposite. Pot is disgusting, it smells disgusting, and it makes you look disgusting. Even though she doesn't do drugs, Rachael smokes. I've been trying to get her to quit, but she always complains that she feels like shit when she doesn't smoke. Thankfully, I've been able to compromise her to only smoke one cigarette a day. She used to smoke a pack a day before I found out she was smoking. It's really a nasty habit....I'm surprised her teeth aren't yellow.....then again, she does get a lot of deep bleaching. I flipped my long, auburn brown hair over my shoulder and leaned my head against the window. I didn't try sleeping, there was no use. I just drowned out all of the ridiculously loud music from the other students' ipods and the whispered conversations between various seats. It really annoyed me when people turned up their music so loud that I could tell what song it was. I just felt that it was unnecessary to have music that loud. I saw the bus lights turn on as people stood up. Well, I thought, here we go to nine months of hell.

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