Chapter 33

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Cora's voice alone sent shivers down Emma's spine. Funny how, when they are in public, Henry Mills is evidently superior to Cora, but when they weren't Henry always kind of hid behind Cora.

"Mother," was all Regina said and Emma jumped off the desk, smoothing her jacket as though nothing had happened.

Her parents took big steps forward, closer to their daughter and their eyes showed nothing but disgust and disappointment.

"I didn't expect you so early," Regina spoke after holding a stare contest with her parents. It had been quiet for quite a few minutes.

Henry Mills now stepped closer as well. Emma had never really seen the man from up close, but now that she had, she didn't feel any safer.

His expression showed nothing but authority. He seemed as though he found himself quite something and honestly, he intimidated Emma a bit.

"Years, we prayed for you, Regina. We thought that everything was going to be alright, but we aren't away for more than a second and you're divorced."

"Robin called," Regina established and her parents didn't reply. They just stared at their daughter, with anger in their eyes.

Yes, the disappointment had turned into anger. It was all Emma could see in their eyes and she carefully grabbed Regina's hand.

"And now you're here with a girl? A girl I tried so hard to get out of your life, so that you wouldn't ruin it." Cora raised her voice and glared at Emma with hate in her eyes.

Regina released Emma's hand and stepped forward to her parents, with tears in her eyes.

She hadn't expected this situation to go any differently, yet it hurt. It hurt seeing her parents look at her the way they did. But she knew she couldn't change it.

Regina needed to get rid of all the negativity in her life, which included her parents.

She didn't need them anymore.

She had Emma now.

And even though Emma hadn't even said to her that she loved her, the woman had shown her more love in the past hour than her parents in her entire life.

"You know.. all my life there was only one thing I wanted from you both. Acceptance. You didn't need to love me, I was fine with you abusing me physically and mentally, because I only wanted to be accepted for who I was and am. But now, I finally see that that's too hard for you to do. That you both will never accept me for who I am and I've made my peace with that. Yes, it's taken me a long, long time, but here I finally am. Saying I don't need you anymore, because really, I don't. I don't want to see you ever again. Yeah, I'm going to keep my job. I'm going to keep working here. I'm going to keep in touch with Zelena, but I am never going to talk to either of you. Goodbye."

Regina flashed them one last angry look, before she left her parents for good. Emma was left alone with Cora and Henry Mills, who clearly still needed to comprehend everything their daughter had just said.

"I should go," Emma softly muttered.

"Yes, you should," Henry Mills sternly said and Emma left. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when she was on her way out.

She didn't know where Regina had gone. Apparently, it had started raining when they were inside, but Emma wasn't bothered by it.

Regina hadn't gone back to the car and it worried her, because she had no idea where the brunette could be. She knew this had required a lot of Regina and she wanted to be there for her girlfriend.

Then, she heard someone scream in the distance and Emma immediately walked towards the sound. She hoped to find Regina, but screaming was never a sound that calmed a person.

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