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After Harry left his house he got in his car and drove straight to the hospital. Visiting his father was always hard, but he knew he needed to.

Harry walked to the cafeteria bought himself an apple and his terminally ill father his favorite, an everything bagel.

Whistling, Harry walks to the elevator and presses the correct floor.


Harry looks at the little girl next to him.

"Hi sweetie." He coos.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Harry caught off guard shakes his head.

"You should." Harry nervously nods his head and exits the elevator saying a shirt goodbye to the nameless child.

Knocking on door 13c, Edwin Styles hollers hoarsely a quick 'come in'.

"Hi dad."

"Harry, how's my company going?" Harry chuckles and tells him it's going well. The stocks have risen an impressing 6.9%.

"Good. Good to hear. And how are you? Any females in the picture?"

"I'm fine dad. And no. Well, I have this assistant, Fiona. She's a complete mess, but I can't help but think of her before I go to sleep and when I wake up. Dad, she's a nut job, but-"

"Son, if there's anything I can tell you is don't mix business with pleasure. Take it from me, eh?" Ed gestures to his frail body, taken over by AIDS.

"Harry, I wouldn't be in this predicament had I listened to my own advice. Now, I'm not saying you'll contact HIV and have it progress into AIDS, but be smart. If you like this girl maybe she shouldn't be your assistant."

Harry sat silently for a few seconds.

"But that's the thing, I can't stand her! But I want her, really fucking bad, dad. She lives in my house for crying out loud! She refuses to take the apartment I bought for her because the house is more 'her style' or whatever."

Harry's dad laughs his signature Edwin Styles laugh, but then stops and tells Harry the doctors told him some vital information regarding his health.

"Three months?" Harry croaks.

"I'm afraid so, or less." Edwin clarifies.


Harry arrives home to a terrible smell and a freakish sound filling his house.

The fire alarm.

In the kitchen Fiona is sitting in the floor sobbing.

Harry rushes to her side.

"What's wrong Fi?"

She swats him away.


"I was hungry, because I was going on a hunger strike, but then after 40 minutes or so I was like 'fuck that, I'm starving' so I came here to cook myself some popcorn, but it exposed in your microwave."

"Why were you on a hunger strike?"

"I was going to revolt against you and your asshole and awkward ways."

Harry was taken back. An asshole? He never thought that someone would describe him in such a rude way.

"So are you hurt?" Fiona shakes her head

"But you may need a new microwave. And by you may need a new one, you actually will need a new one. It kinda caught on fire."



Xoxo. Happy new year!

Louis has nothing to do with the story. But his eyes!!!!

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