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Running my father's company has always been a dream of mine. No. Not even a dream. A goal.

Since I can remember I've aimed to be the next in line to run the company, 'Styles' Publishing Inc.'. I trained day in and out to be the best I could. And now look where I am.

Successful, rich, lonely. But, that's my own fault. I push people away. It's what I do best. Just as I begin to fully let someone in, I push them right out. It's.. strange. Foreign, really. Awkward.

"Mr. Styles? May I come in?" The knocking brings me out of my world of thoughts.

"Wesley! Of course, sit, sit."

"So I have good news and bad news."

I swear every time this man walks into my office he starts the same way.

"Good news first."

"Okay, well I trained your new assistant. I made sure to mention all the little things that get under your skin, all the do's and don'ts, of course how you take your tea, and extra things that could really help." I nod.

"So, what's the bad news?" He chuckles.

"I'm afraid she, Fiona, spilled coffee all over your dry cleaning." I shrug.

"Not a big deal."

"It was your Armani suit sir." I seethe.

"It's okay. I'll just buy a new, expensive, one of a kind suit from the Armani fairy." Wesley gives me a moment to calm down before finishing.

"Fiona, she's kind of out there." I look over his shoulder.

"Out where?" Wesley looks behind him confusingly.

"Oh no, sir! Not out there," He points to the door. "She is just really in your face. But she means the best and is okay with a low salary."

"Okay. Now she starts tomorrow, I want a piping hot peppermint tea on my desk before I even get out of bed in the morn. Got it?" He nods.

I pack up my briefcase and head towards the door.

"Give Ed my best will you?"

"Course, Wes. Night."

I button up my suit coat putting my winter coat on top and press for the elevator going down. When it arrives I step in and press the G button. We go down a couple floors before the elevator stops letting on a young woman. We ride down a few more stories and I can feel her staring at me.

"Hi." I look down at her and suddenly I can't speak. She's beautiful. Never have I seen anyone like her.

I mumble a bit and shift my body to my right to create distance.

"What's wrong? Cat's got your tongue?" Again, I mumble a response.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Mister Styles. I'm Fiona. Fiona Brine. Your new assistant."


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