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I made my way to Bambam's house and walked straight in. I had his house memorised from all the times I had been there for our special sessions.

The only person who knows about these are Seungmin. He approves of Bambam. But that one time when I cried after coming back from Bambam's house he almost raised hands.

But mom approved of Bambam. She even thought we were in a relationship hahahahahaha. It was so funny. I giggled at the memories.

I walked straight in and the lights we're dimmed but not off. There were flowers everywhere. I walked all the way up to the bed.

"I missed this" I said to Bambam. I gave him a short hug. A short one as I had to save my hugs for the bigger things which were gonna happen that evening.

"We can start as soon as we eat come on I made ramen noodles and boiled egg." He said as he saw my excited expression.

We ate and then he showed me the beauty.

"Shouldn't we wait till we get to the room what if someone walks in" I say whilst whacking his arms lightly.

"Firstly I live my self and you know that. Secondly you called the session so I am in control" he said

I huffed "this is why Yeugyeom calls you a very possessive dominant top. You always have me bottom vibes"

"Woah woah woah. He really said that about me? WAIT he talks to you? And about that stuff?"

"Bro you know Chan wasn't the only one who was close to you guys. That's right I still remember I regained my memory. That's why I hate Chan so much."

Silent engulfed the room.

"Let's forget I said anything and just get on I don't wanna kill the mood"

"Okay but look carefully. It may be beautiful but it's mine" I looked at him is shock and disbelief

"Wait yours? But it's so...big"

"Okay not mine it's Jeongin's"

"You really need to tell me where you get them from. Anyways what's the problem?" I questioned

"Car crash. Scared of big bright lights now. Which explains the dim lights. That cats you saw in the cat bed was its mother and father cat"

"Okay you have everything"

He nodded. Y'all are probs curious so imma tell you what we do in the sessions. Well me and Bambam treat hurt and I'll animals. Mainly cats.

Bambam usually likes keeping young cats and growing up with them. He doesn't really like having a big cat from the start as it's harder to connect to them.

Because most of these cats have been though abuse of crashes and stuff like that they often attack whilst being treated.

Also it's easy to get attached to them very quickly. So when some don't make it, it hurts so bad.

I promise i won't cry this time.

If your wondering how we cure and help these animals well my family wanted me to be a doctor. I wanted to have a normal life maybe work in a few shops and just grow old with a wife and kids and man animals mainly cats.

But I have a strange love for animals so when they told me to be a doctor I told them I want to work in a cat cafe.

As my love for cats grew we decided that I would be a vet/animal doctor therefore I am doing animal doctoring in school.

Bambam's father owns one of the biggest vets in Seol so even though I knew him since well before I was born we only got close when I started studying in med school in the animal department.

Even he is older so we haven't got the same classes we have sessions where were help hurt and stray animals.

We have these sessions whenever we want but I am not sure how Bambam gets the animals whenever as they have to be hurt to be here.

Anyways that's none of my business.

Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my ipod stuck on replay,

"Hey minho your phones ringing" Bambam said pointing to my phone.


Silence I checked the caller ID and saw it was Jisung.

I had to face him one day 😅


I had most of his written but I couldn't publish as I was engulfed into my second ever kdrama.

It was so sad only finished like two hours ago. I am still crying. Aaah someone help.

It's called Sassy go go (cheer up) for those interested.

Anywho peace out ✌️ bye

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