Chapter 2 ~ The Fellowship Of The Ring

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The Fellowship set off, you where sent for Elrond as a healer for them.

You had lost Gandelf in the mines of moria, and was in great grief, but you felt better, as you where knowing you would see Haldir.

You reached the edge of Lorien and walk in with the fellowship, you felt at home, exited to see Haldir.

Gimli was taking about how he was great at hearing or somthing and you rolled your eyes and smiled.

You stop suddenly, getting an arrow in your face and you step back.

'A dwarf is so loud we could if shot him in the dark' Hadir said, smirking at Gimli.

'wait (y/n)?' he asked, his face lighting up.

'Haldir!' you shout, ducking under the arrow which faced you and jumping into his arms. He signaled for the bows to be lowered and hugged you back. You kiss him passionately, forgetting what was happening.

When you let go you go red. 'What are you doing here?' he asks grinning.

'I think we should go out of the woodland' you say looking round, the spies of Saruman and Sauron are numerous. '

Haldir nods and takes you and the fellowship to a look out post.

You and Aragon start explaining what happened to Haldir, and he decides that all but you should be blindfolded, so that the secret Palace of Galadriel would not be discovered.

You chat and smile with him through the journey, telling him all which had happened on the fellowships journey, and when you reach Gandalf's falling a gear falls down your face.

Haldir stopped you and gently wiped your tear away 'it will be okay my love' he mummerd.

You nod as you walk with him, he takes your hand and holds it as you walk together.

You reach Galadriel's Chambers with the rest of the fellowship and you heard the familiar voice in your head 'welcome (y/n)' she said

The meeting had passed and soon you sat Haldir drew you away to his rooms and sat you on the bed, taking your hands in his

'(y/n), this quest... ' he started, he looked worried 'I would like you to stay here, my love'

You look at him confused 'Stay?' you ask.

'the road is dangerous, I don't want you hurt. You are my one, melleth nin please' Haldir pleaded, his eyes full of fear for you.

'You think I cannot cope my dear?' you ask 'I am yours, but I don't want to leave the fellowship, its important I stay and journey on, I promised them, I promised Frodo'

Haldir looked down 'I will accept your decision' he finally said. A tear fell down his cheek which you gently wiped away.

'I am not dead, and I will survive for you' you say, pulling him into a hug and then kissing him.

'I would like that very much' he murmured, returning the kiss with passion. You laid down with him and he wrapped his arms around you, you nuzzle into his neck and smile.

You awoke to see Lady Galadriel at the door. 'It is time' she said, calling for you to go with the fellowship. Haldir watched you go, his heart aching for you.

'Watch her go' a voice said in Haldir's head, so rising from the bed he quickly ran to the docks, there he saw you as you stood infront of Galadriel.

'For you (y/n) of Rivindell I give to you my blessings between you and Haldir' she said smiling.

'Thank you my lady' you said smiling brightly, you looked around and saw Haldir, leaving the line you went over to him and hugged him close.

'Lady Galadriel has given us her blessings' you start

'We should get married when this is over' Haldir said, kissing your hand.

You nod and turn, hearing Aragon calling for you to leave.

'Goodbye my love' you murmer, kissing him once more.

Haldir watched you go, a tear falling down his face, but turning away he went back to his duties.

~Time skip~

You helped the women and children get into the caves of looking down, waiting for the orcs. You hear a horn, an elvish horn. Dropping what you where doing you run up to the entrance where Haldir stood.

You grin, and hug him close before kissing him deeply.

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