Chapter 3 ~ Helms Deep

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You stood next to Haldir, the orcs had come and it had started to rain and you started to shiver in the cold.

The orcs started to do a war dance of sorts but they stopped and the battle began.

Letting go your arrows you kill as many orcs as possible, getting out your sword you started to kill the orcs which where climbing over the walls. You saw Haldir, you had been blocked off from him. You quickly fought towards him and he smiled at you, protecting eachother's backs from the large amount of orcs.

Suddenly there was an explosion and you where flung with Haldir a little way along the wall. You pick him up and keep fighting. You see Aragon shouting to retreat and quickly you start running towards Haldir but you feel your breath being pushed out of you and you felt an awful pain on your backo. Haldir screamed, running towards you and killing the orc which had stabbed you. He scooped you up and ran you towards Aragon, ducking and dodging the orcs which tried to kill him.

He reached the door and Aragon quickly shut it. At this point you had passed out due to blood loss.

'Aragorn, please, can you heal her?' Haldir asked, tears in his eyes.

'I don't know' Aragorn said sadly, tears in his own eyes. He looked at your wound, it was in your back and was quite deep. 'We need, we need Lord Elrond' he said finally 'She is to wounded.'

'I will take her' Haldir finnaly said.

'It's to far' Aragorn said 'she will die'.

Haldir sat, shaking and crying. Aragorn left, rejoining the battle as Haldir sat with you, trying his best to stop the bleeding.

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