Good Ending

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You laid there through the battle, Haldir protecting your body from the orcs which where trying to get into the room. Soon the battle was won and the fellowship sourounded you as you lay motionless.

'Get out of the way you fools' Gandalf said, coming towards you. He put his hand over your face and murmerd some elvish.

You gasped, your eyes snapping open. 'where am I?' you ask groggily.

'Safe' Gandalf said 'Safe after the victory at Helms deep'

You smile but suddenly your heart skips a beat 'Is Haldir' you stopped.

'I'm here' he said, Gandalf moved away to let Haldir hug you close.

You hiss, your back hurting greatly and he gets of you, stroking your hair and smiling down at you.

'I will get you healed meleth nin' he murmered 'You will live'

You soon got married to Haldir and you lived in Lothlorien with him and when the time came you went over to the undying lands together.

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