Chapter 2

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"Tell them Lief will be there."

Sam hung up the phone. He was proud of himself, having just secured a great speaking engagement for Leif Stewart. It would increase the budding politician's reputation in the community and give him a chance to test out his platform.

The elation he felt deflated a little when Sam thought about the long hours he would need to get Leif and his speech into the right shape. Being his first public broadcast since announcing his intent to run, this would be an important event. But it came with a sacrifice. sam was supposed to be taking Ali to his family home in the Hampton's this weekend. Making time for them to be alone.

Finding the right work-life balance was tricky. It was something he had just been discussing with his therapist in their last session. As part of a promise to Ali, Sam had agreed to talk to a professional about what he not so lovingly called "the black hole". It was the area of his life where he stuffed all the horrible and tragic things that had recently come to light and he didn't know what to do with.

There was the residue from the pain he carried around for years thinking he was the cause of his brother's death and the survivor's guilt accompanying it. Thomas was the golden child and Sam couldn't fill his shoes. He'd tried and come up very short, eventually causing him to run away from his family. Those were old, deep-rooted wounds.

Freshly sliced wounds flared up much more frequently as Sam tried to come to grips with the atrocities his old girlfriend Vicky had inflicted upon him. During their time together and then again only recently, Vicky had been drugging him to get him into bed with her. Fortunately, Ali had intervened in the last incident, stopping anything from happening. Sam hoped. He didn't remember much from the night he spent at Vicky's house.

He swung from shame to anger when trying to grapple with what was done to him. Certain days he wanted to see Vicky in a court of law, paying for her crimes. Most other days, he felt embarrassed and worried about what others would think if anyone ever found out. Dr. Kotos assured Sam these feelings were perfectly natural and like all things, it would take time to work through them.

Ali stood by him through everything. She was kind and patient, listening to him, yet letting him deal with his demons in his own time. Sam knew she wanted Vicky prosecuted (at the least) but she didn't pressure him to come forth. Sam loved her for it. He loved her for so many reasons.

As if reading his mind, the woman of his dream walked into his office. Sam rose to meet her in an embrace but picked up his pace when he saw Ali's face, much paler than normal.

"My love. What's wrong? Are you ill?" Sam couldn't explain it but lately, he found himself constantly worried about Ali falling sick. The logical side of him knew it was irrational, but the irrational side of him doubted the logic. Anyone can get sick – out of the blue and for no reason.

Ali didn't answer him immediately. She seemed dazed. Sam gently pulled her over to the couch in his office. Taking her hands in his, he asked her again to tell him what was upsetting her.

"My mother called."

This was an odd statement. Ali had a very strained relationship with her parents. They only talked on formal occasions, like Christmas or birthdays. Her mother never called just to chat.

"It's..." she seemed unsure. It wasn't like his confident Ali.

"Ali, what is it?" Sam prompted.

Sapphire eyes met his, focusing after a few moments. Then she seemed to wake up, snap out of it.

"I have to go home."

Sam looked to his desk for the car keys, telling her he'd ask Ashley to cancel his afternoon and drive her back to their apartment in the city.

"No, Sam. Not our home. To California."

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