Chapter 11

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Guilt gnawed at Sam's insides.

They were sitting on the hospital's terrace, coffees getting cold in front of them as Vicky was being examined. The paramedics had administered some drug to counter the effects of the bottle of sleeping pills she had ingested before whisking her to the hospital. Charlie hadn't said much since they found... no he found Vicky. He kept staring at Sam.

Sam refused to look at his cousin. He was right to be upset. Sam should have listened to him. No matter his personal issues with Vicky, a plea for help should never be ignored. Suicide was serious. Always.

But this was the problem. This was exactly what he had been waiting for, fearful of, dreading, since walking away from her all those months ago. He knew she was out there.

It was only a matter of time until she popped up again. But when? How would she force herself into his world? What excuse would it be this time?

Did Vicky know Ali was out of town when she called last week? It felt planned. Like the call today. He had been sure the voicemail was staged. Another manipulation of Sam Vicky-style. Using his feelings against him. For the first time, he wanted to resist the pull at his heart to help her. To make things better for Vicky.

And look where it got them. Vicky in serious trouble. Charlie angry at him. Sam feeling guilty. Again.

"What happened?" Charlie's question pulled Sam back to the terrace. Black wrought-iron tables and chairs spotted the space, matched by lush potted plants and blooming hanging baskets. It all worked to give the air of civilized sanity, despite the chaos running rampage a few halls over in the emergency room.

"I guess she took all those sleeping pills."

"No. I mean yes. But that's not what I'm asking. What happened between you and Victoria?"

Sam tried not to groan. The warmth of the sunny afternoon was turning into a humid heat that made a cold sweat trickle down the back of his neck. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bullshit." Charlie spat the swear word at him. "She was helping you with the charity ball, you two were all chummy and then suddenly she disappears. Doesn't even show up for her own event."

Sam shifted in his seat and swallowed hard. This was not something he wanted to discuss. But Charlie pushed on.

"And whenever anyone mentions her, you do that." The man pointed to Sam's hands which were currently bunched into balls. Forcing his fingers to stretch out and rubbing his palms on his thighs, Sam searched for a way out of this conversation.

Silence hung between them. Sam could feel Charlie's rage rolling off of him like steam from a kettle starting to boil. Did he think Sam had hurt Vicky? Given his mother's issues and despite his outward appearance, Charlie was always quick to defend women. Mix in a suicide attempt and no wonder his anger was pointed at Sam.

"Did you sleep with her?"

"What!" Sam yelped, before blurting, "The exact opposite."

"Um, so you didn't sleep with her?"

"More like wouldn't," Sam mumbled.

"You're not making sense."

Sam looked around the patio expecting to find staring patrons gawking at two men blatantly discussing having or not having sex on a sunny afternoon. Placing his head in his hands, Sam sighed. "You wouldn't understand."

"I'd like to." There was a kind of tenderness in Charlie's low plea. It pulled at Sam.

Maybe it was because he could not stand his cousin looking at him that way or maybe it was because he needed to tell someone other than Ali and his therapist. He wasn't sure why he did it, but when he opened his mouth everything came pouring out.

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