Chapter 16

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Ali felt complete.

Ali felt happy.

Ali felt.

As she gently stroked Sam's hair, her troubles seemed miles away. As long as she didn't think about them. And Sam had done a great job of distracting.

They had moved from the limo to her hotel room. And hadn't left it for a day and a half. Rediscovering each other, enjoying each other, sleeping in each other's arms. It was the best night's sleep Ali had since landing in California. It felt like they were living in their bubble again, the way it had been back in his little apartment when they first met. The outside world didn't exist.

Except this time, they could order room service when they needed to refuel.

In a few hours, Sam would be leaving again. Back to New York for some important meeting. The reprieve was ending. Ali would have to face her mother. She had texted her, avoiding any real contact. Gave the facts, Sam was in town and she would not be visiting her father until this afternoon. After Sam left.

As if her fiancé sensed her thoughts, he shifted in his sleep, his grasp on her waist tightening. Ali shimmied closer, happy for the warmth he offered.

"Ali," he moaned.

"Right here, my love."

"What time is it?"

She knew he didn't want to leave her. Had felt it all weekend. But this last round had been intense. There had been a ferocity to his lovemaking. As if Sam was trying to fill up a reserve to last while they were apart. Tasting, touching, taking everything over and over until neither of them had anything left to give.

"Not time yet."

Soft kisses assaulted her stomach causing ripples of pleasure to skip across her skin. And settling in her heart. Her sore muscles flexed in response to Sam's advances across her body. As his hands translated his intentions, Ali bit her lip. Trying to decide between giving into desire or dealing with the weight hanging over her head.

Time was running short. She knew she had to tell Sam about Jack. The last thing Ali wanted was to have the conversation at the airport. It had to be here. In the bubble. Where she could hold him. Make him understand.


An unintelligible sound emitted from Sam as he edged closer to his favourite spot - his point of no return.

"We need to talk."

Hands halted. Lips left. Green eyes met hers, searching for meaning. Apprehension tainted his features. They must have read the serious intent in her expression. Sam backed away. As his warmth receded, Ali chased after him, pulling herself into a sitting position.

"Okay," was all he said, leaving the rest up to Ali.

She licked her lips to stall for time. How to start? Where to start?

Taking his hand in hers, she entwined their fingers. The cold metal of the platinum engagement ring she gave him pressed into her skin. Taking a deep breath and releasing it, Ali reminded herself it would be okay. Sam trusted her.

"Remember when I told you I had a fight with my mother."

Sam nodded.

"I didn't tell you the whole story. The reason I couldn't stay with her... " Ali swallowed, "...When I got to the house I discovered Jack living there."

Sam's eyes widened in what Ali hoped was only surprise. "Jack bought your parent's house?"

"No. He's living with my mother." Even though it had been a reality for her for quite some time, saying it out loud, telling Sam, it seemed more preposterous. Ali hadn't realized she had been squeezing Sam's hand until he was wrenching it out of her grasp.

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