Chapter 13 pt2

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Lemon-ish warning lol.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. Kirihito was so close that she could feel his breath on her cheek. His scent smelled of ash and flowery aromas. A funny combination for someone that always looks like they're on the verge of dying. He caressed her upper neck, below the ear, and looked her in the eyes before tilting her head up to the side. Y/N was surprised that she was no longer trying to escape. Despite trying to hide it, anticipation grew within her.
Kirihito's lips brushed her neck as his free hand slid from the wall and found itself on her thigh. His lips caressed her collarbone and slowly made its way up, leaving a kiss mark on the way. Y/N did not recognize anything she was feeling. Sure he's kissed her before in the past, but never like this. Her breathing got heavier and she tried to hold back her voice. Kirihito noticed her attempt and let out a slight laugh under his breath. Y/N felt him smirk before coming up to meet her eyes. His eyes were dark and filled with hunger.
"Kirihito..?" Y/N whispered in a quiet and concerned voice. She's never seen that look in someone's eyes before, or maybe she just never noticed.

Kirihito didn't answer. He only looked at her lips. He leaned in until their lips met. Y/N recognize this feeling. Her energy was depleting rapidly. Instead of being hyper aware, she was now losing her energy along with her senses. Something that brought her back to the realness of her situation was Kirihito's hand. It gently slide upwards and caressed her inner thigh. This was a new feeling for her and she was afraid of how her body was reacting.

"Ki-" she started to call his name softly before being interrupted by the sound of a door opening.

"Kirihito! I'm home!" His mom was calling to him as she started making her way to his room.

Both of them are frozen, still processing who just came into the house.

"Kirihito?" His mom was almost to his door. Y/N rapidly shoved Kirihito to the side and stood up. Her mind went into panic mode. She'd forgotten Kirihito lives with his parents because of how often he was out by himself. Even though she was silently panicking, Kirihito was surprisingly nonchalant.

"Just stay quiet." He said with a sigh that was perhaps out of frustration. His mom finally reached his door and slid it open without knocking.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "If I had known you had a friend over, I wouldn't have bothered you." She placed her hand over her mouth and acted surprised. "May I know her name?"

Kirihito looked at his mom like he was annoyed and an awkward vibe filled the room.

"Y/N!" Y/N blurted out and held out her hand, unable to bear the silence. Both Kirihito and his mom looked stunned at the sudden outburst. "Um... it's nice to meet you." Y/N said shyly. Her heart was still racing but she made sure to keep her composure.

Kirihito's mom's surprised expression changed to a welcoming smile as she shook Y/N's hand. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N." Her aura was so warm. It made Y/N remanence her happy childhood memories with her mom. It made her wonder where things went so wrong.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone now." As she exited the room, Kirihito's mom left the door wide open, like she knew something was going on before she walked in.

I- ok. We'll hit that vote button if you enjoyed this chapter. Suggestions are always welcome in the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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