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I'm just gonna be really lazy for this chapter and make it from your point of view. And, I might add a new character for the series that I made up. I think you'll know who he is, so comment if you want him to stay or naw. BUT THE STORY WILL STILL BE KIRIHITO X READER!

I woke to find myself in what looked like a hospital room. The walls were green which whent great with the white floor, speckled with pale green dots. The bright sunlight shined through the open window. I squinted my e/c eyes for the light was to bright. 'How did I end up in here' I thought and reached to rub my forehead.

"Ugh" I mumbled. "Oh yeah, he kissed me... I always feel exhausted after he does that. But, why am I here?"

A male nurse calmly walked in through the white door.

"Ah, I see you're awake." He smiled kindly and shut the door. "Are you feeling alright?" He asks this before stroking my hair.
His touch was gentle and his voice was soothing. The man had short, brown hair which waved around freely.
All you could do is nod as you gazed into his soft, brown eyes. You couldn't help but stare at the Angel in front of you.

"What's the matter? Am I doing something to bother you?"
Realizing that you had your mouth slightly open, you quickly shut it and abruptly replied, "NO, NO! You're fine! I-I just, um..."

"Heh heh, it's okay. I understand, you're confused right? You had fainted in the shopping area while you were walking. So a man named, I believe it was Tomoe... YEAH Tomoe. He called for help.

"Uh, what about Kirihito? Didn't he help too?"

"Eh... No, I don't believe a Kirihito was there."
. 'I knew he didn't care about me. To good to be true, right?'

"Oh." I sighed and looked into the blanket covering my lap. He looked at me in a surprised slash worried way and it looked as if the nurse was about to touch my hand but he was interrupted when somebody burst through the door.
"Is there a(n) Y/N occupying this room?"

You recognized that voice and emotionless face. It was Kirihito. 'He does care after all...'
The male nurse wiped his expression off of his face and put the kind one back on. "Well, if you need me, press the button on your side table. And, my name is Tadashi Kasae. But, call me... Tyler."

Tyler was about to walk out of the room but you had more to tell him. "Wait! Eh, Tyler, I'm actually feeling 100% right now so I was wondering if I could go home."

Almost with a look of sadness, he said, "Well, just one more day." He then slightly slammed the door when he walked out.

"Just one more day, Nyah" I said mimicking Tyler's voice. "So Kirihito, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you're doing well and..." he started

"And what?"

"And to give you this." He held out a single red rose in his palm.

"For me?!" I asked extremely surprised at the object held into my view.

"No, I bought it for myself!" He replied sarcastically.


"IT'S FOR YOU YA DUMMY!" Kirihito practically screamed in my face. "So, take it."

"Okay, okay, geez dude." I accepted his gift and set it on the wooden table beside my uncomfortable bed. "Man, I really want to get out of this place. I hate hospitals."

"Hm, okay." Without another word, Kirihito walked out of the green room.


"Y/N?" Kirihito called as he walked into the room but you had been sleeping.

"Five more minutes Mom" I mumbled.

"I'm not your mom..."

"Well, what is it Kiri?"

"Who's Kiri?" He asked confused.

"You ya dumb ass. Who else would it be?"

"Um... anyways, you can get out of the hospital today."

I bolted out of bed and shouted "YAY, I CAN GO HOME NOW!!!"

"Well, I didn't say that... I only said you can get out of this place." A smile crept along his lips as he made that creepy ass face he likes to do all the time.

(Note from me 2020: y'all wtf was I thinking? Tyler is obviously not staying lolololol.) PUCH THAT VOTE BUTTON RIGHT NOW!!!!*^* And if you're enjoying this story, please follow me. Thanks a bunch! Well, that's that chapter! Comment if you would like Tyler to stay or not, and if you want to go to Kirihito's residence instead of yours! ^^ Remember, majority wins so don't get upset if I don't write your preference.

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