Airport problems

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I packed all my clothes,make-up, hair curler, and my hair straitener. That took me a whole day wich is not unusual for me.

The next day I went over to my chummy's house because we would be flying together as my anxiety went crazy when I was on planes.

"Chummy!!!" I squealed exitedely "Chummy!!!" She squealed back. Darcy came toddling over screaming "Schoeeee!!!!" Darcy is Louise's 3 year old daughter she is the cutest thing ever!!!

That night we had a girl's night we ordered pizza my favorite and watched a lot of Disney movies also my favorite. Don't judge!

The next day we had to leave it was very hard for Louise to leave Darcy. Because well she is the cutest thing and you never know what could happen in a week even tho she was staying with Matt, Louise's husband who is very well trusted and prepared for any kind of emergency.

When we arrived at the airport we checked in and went to a cafe. While we were in the cafe all I could think about was the plane and they weren't good thoughts, I started shaking,sweating and I felt really hot I kept thinking

What if the plane crashes?

The plane is going to crash

I can't go on the plane.

And I knew that I was having a panic attack. I held on to Louise's arm to signal her. "Zoe take deep breaths, it's going to be all right, calm done it's soon going to be over." I took deep breaths and tried to stop crying and I calmed down. I wiped the tears off my cheeks while saying " thank you so much Chummy you're the best." "Aww your welcome. Well come on we have some fans to get to!"

We boarded the plane "Chummy" Louise said "we are in buisness class yayaya" and after 7 hours of watching films, sleeping, and talking to my chummy we landed safely. "Louise wake up we are in Florida. We didn't crash" I told my best friend.

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