Zalfie video

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Today I woke up very early because Alfie was coming over I really miss him.

Today we were going to film the Zalfie video I hope our viewers took it well and supported us because Alfie means so much to me.

I had pancakes for breakfast then I went to get ready I put on a yellow sun dress with natural make-up. I set up all the equipment and did some chores around my flat I cleaned my Guinea pigs Pipin and Percy's cage and the bell rang. I opened the door to see my favorite boy. "Alfie!!!!" I squealed "Little one!!!" He squealed back.

"Are you ready I set up the equipment already." I told him. "Yep" he answered. I pressed record "Hey everybody" I said "whas up guys" "so today Alfie came over because we have a very special announcement!" I explained and with that Alfie leaned in and gently brushed his lips on mine. "Zalfie is real!!" We both yelled together I started doing a happy dance while Alfie just stared at me like I was crazy. Then he told the camera "That's why I love her" "okay so I hope you guys are happy for us and are going to support us because Alfie is the best thing that has happened to me!" I told the camera. After that we ended the vlog.

"Well I hope that they are going to support us." I said. "Yeah me too licklle one, but first..." He stood up and held my hands "Zoe will you be my girlfriend?" He asked tears were filling up my eyes as I remembered all the fun times we had had together. Then I answered "of course Alf Alfa!" Today had been one of the best days of my life.

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