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Alfie was mine he really was I quickly told the 3 girls until Marky butt butt yelled out that we were going to a club.

I was quite anxious to go but I wouldn't be missing out on any fun so I got over it and went to get ready.

I stayed with natural make-up but put a bit of a smoky eye. I also curled my hair. I wore a blue strapless dress which arrived a bit higher then my knees, and put some black high heels. I went to see if Louise was ready and of course she already was. "You look stunning Chummy" she told me.

When we arrived at the club I started panicking a bit as alcohol+guys didn't really do a nice match. Louise told me to relax and not think about it. We went to the bar and both ordered a coke as Louise didn't drink alcohol and I didn't either because of my anxiety.

Me and Louise had been sitting at the bar with guys checking us out for an hour so we decided to go back to the house.

I started the engine as I was driving completely sobber I backed out of the parking and stopped at a red light. When the light turned green I went suddenly a truck was coming to my side I tried to accelerate but it was too late the truck made contact with my side then everything went black...

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