New house

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2 days ago I found out I was pregnant that was the best day of my life yersteday had been my birthday Alfie brought home a cake and we celebrated by watching Disney films.

Today we were moving into our new house wich I was very exited about all our stuff were in boxes and the moving company were coming later on.

I said goodbye to my flat and we left. I had already been to the house and it was beautiful it had white walls in the kitchen and in the living room.

It had 2 studies which were both painted grey we would use them as our filming rooms or our editing rooms.

It also had 3 rooms upstairs and 3 bathrooms.

The moving company soon arrived and helped us with our furniture. A few hours later we were done.

"Thanks Alf it's a beautiful house!" " Anything for you Zoe!" He answered. That night we had pizza Alfie went to open the door this time, and we watched Disney movies.

I was exited and scared for tomorrow because we were going to tell our parents about baby Zalfie.

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