12. Help

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Walking home from work has never been the most saddest thing I've ever done. I couldn't even think straight.

Sure I may have gone far but I never knew that I would care so much for a stranger, a babysitter. At least I hope I do.

Reaching home, I placed my hand on the knob and turned it, quietly saying a "I'm home". Nobody answered of course, my voice didn't project.

All I could here was Yuki and tv playing. I get a closer look to see Namjoon and Jin passed out on the couch with Yuki looking amazed.

I sigh, scratching the back of my head as I walk towards the couch and pick up Yuki, also turning off the tv.

I walk upstairs to her room, struggling to put her to bed, and she asks me

"Are we gonna see Jimin Oppa?"

My heart shattered as I didn't know what to tell her. Hell he won't even answer my texts or calls. I guess I really did mess up real big.

"Yuki, I don't think we'll ever see Jimin again"

She starts sniffling and I couldn't stand it anymore. I left Yukis room, slamming it to end up on the other side.

My body was pressed against the wall as I started sobbing, sliding down to the bottom of the door. What do I do?

This always happens to so many people I meet, but why now? Why should I care that I hurt them so deeply yet they almost put my sister to danger?

I just don't understand. I don't, understand. What am I feeling, why, I wanna know, I need to ask.

I collected myself once again and got up to head downstairs, but before I did that, I grabbed the big blanket I stored away for so long.

I look at Namjoon and Jin, walking towards them and gently placing the blanket on each big their sides.

I wanted to ask Namjoon and Jin for help, but they seem tired. Oh wait, I forgot about her.


"Thanks a lot suran, I'll 'definitely' right that down"

"Okay okay, but on a serious note here, have you tried confronting him, in person?"

"No, but he might slam the door on me-"



"Oh, whoops, I thought you would have liked him, considering 'hang outs' might be a code name for 'let's fuckkkkk'"

"1st of all, YOU WERE LISTENING?!, 2nd of all, I don't know if I do"

"Then we have two problems, bonus will be me trying to give you therapy lessons so this won't happen again"

"And I thought you were gonna be a nurse"

"1st, YOUR FEELINGS, you don't know if you've already friend zoned him a lot of times"


"Nevermind don't answer that I don't wanna know"

"Sometimes I just, I don't know, feel a lot more happy with him, like something I used to feel before"

"When your taking a shit and the poop finally comes out and you sigh with relief smiling?"


"oh, kiki do you love me"

"Listen, okay maybe I do like him"


"Maybe I have a humongous big chungus crush on him"


"Okay yeah I do like him"

"HUZZAH, okay now the plan"

(Next will be them doing the plan but in Jimins point of view)

BabySitter//YOONMIN CRACK AU(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now