Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Cal and Ima's house was full of SAMCRO members, it was Tatum's last night in Charming, and while she absolutely did not want a night filled with SAMCRO — Cal had decided otherwise

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Cal and Ima's house was full of SAMCRO members, it was Tatum's last night in Charming, and while she absolutely did not want a night filled with SAMCRO — Cal had decided otherwise.

"You okay, amor?" Angel asked as he draped his heavily tattooed arm across his wife's shoulders.

The Mayan had decided to make the long ride to Charming. He wanted to make sure nothing happened on her last night in the poisonous town, he wanted his wife to get back to their home safe.

"I'm fine." Tatum gave a reassuring smile as she looked up at Angel. "I'm happy to be getting away from here." She said with a content sigh.

Tatum knew she had left Charming behind before, but this time she didn't plan on ever coming back. It was time for Charming to be a distant memory for her. There was no point in her coming back to this poisonous town, all it did was cause her heartache. Of course Cal, Ima, and Callie were all there but Ima and Callie visited her more in Santo Padre than she visited them in Charming, and it was going to stay that way. Once Tatum was gone from Charming — she was gone for good.

"Me too, mi sol." Angel said while placing a kiss on the top of Tatum's head.

He couldn't wait to get back to Santo Padre and get back to work on starting a family with Tatum. He wanted a house full of children with Tatum, and he couldn't wait until his dream of that became a reality.

A sigh left Tatum's lips as her eyes scanned the living room of Cal's house, everyone seemed to be having a good time — laughing and drinking. Well, everyone but Jax that is. Tatum knew she needed to talk to Jax one last time before she left. She didn't want to leave things where they were right now. It was naive of her to think that the two of them could ever have a friendship like they once did, but she still cared for him — and always would.

"I'll be back." Tatum said.

Angel nodded as brown eyes took notice of Jax Teller standing by himself with a frown on his face. He almost felt bad for the blonde prince — almost. The Reyes man knew it must be killing Jax inside to know that Tatum was once again leaving, to knew that she would never love him the way that he loved her, and even though it was petty, Angel loved knowing that Tatum would never love Jax Teller like he wanted her to.

"Hey, Teller." Tatum said with a smile as she stood in front of Jax.

"Hey, T." He said softly with a small smile on his face. "Havin' fun?" Jax asked, taking a sip of his beer while his blue eyes looked over Tatum, looking at the woman he so desperately wanted to love him like he loved her.

Jax knew this was the last time he'd see Tatum in Charming. He knew Charming and SAMCRO were two things she no longer needed in her life.

"Does he still treat you like you deserve?" Jax already knew the answer to that question even before Tatum opened her mouth.

"Yeah." Tatum said as she looked over at Angel, a smile appearing on her face as she watching him playing with Callie.

She couldn't wait for the day when they became parents. Tatum knew Angel would make an amazing father, and she couldn't wait to have a house full of children with the love of her life.

"I don't want to leave things the way they are between us." Tatum spoke, keeping her voice low. She didn't want any wandering ears to here their conversation. It wasn't meant for anyone else to hear — especially Gemma or Clay.

"Things are fine between us, T." Jax said with his signature smirk on his face, though the look in his blue eyes said they were anything but. "There's nothing to talk about." He assured the dark haired woman.

"Jax," Tatum sighed as her eyes connected with his broken blue ones.

"Tatum." He mocked, the smirk still in tact on his face. "I love you." He said, running a hand through her dark hair for the last time. "Let's just leave it at that, T."

"I love you too." Tatum smiled. "You're my best friend." The Reyes woman wrapped her arms tightly around Jax's waist, taking in the his smell of cigarettes, cologne, beer, and leather. Tatum knew it was the last time she would be smelling it and she wanted to relish in it for a moment.

Jax Teller was her best friend and she did love him, but sometimes you needed to cut out the people in your life who no longer fit into it anymore no matter how much it fucking hard — and it fucking hurt.

"Please keep trying to find your happiness." Tatum said as she removed her arms from Jax. She could feel tears building up in her eyes. "Whatever it may be, Jax. I just need you to keep trying to find it."

"I promise, T." Jax smiled as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. "I'll find it eventually." He said with a small laugh.

Tatum nodded, wiping at her eyes and gave him one last smile before making her way back to Angel. She snuggled into his side, watching as he played with Callie, a feeling of content filling her body. This is where she was meant to be — at Angel's side.


The last chapter
There will be an epilogue, but that's the end of the Tatum, Angel, and Jax saga.
I hope you all enjoyed it as much I enjoyed writing it! Thank you all so much for the support! I seriously appreciate it so much

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