Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Tatum laid on the bed next to Angel, feeling his fingers trace the tattoo on her shoulder

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Tatum laid on the bed next to Angel, feeling his fingers trace the tattoo on her shoulder. The simple flower tattoo on her shoulder had become one of her husband's favorites that adorned her skin, and Tatum knew whenever his fingers touched it it meant something was on his mind.

"What's on your mind husband?" Tatum asked Angel with a smile on her face. Her voice was heavy with sleep as her eyes looked into Angel's brown ones.

The word husband still made Tatum warm inside whenever she said it or thought it even after two years of marriage, but she was certain that feeling would never go away. Tatum absolutely loved being a Reyes, and it felt like she could finally breath once the James name was no longer attached to her. She knew it was cheesy but to her it felt like she was always meant to be a Reyes

"Wonderin' how I got so fuckin' lucky." Angel said with a smile as he placed a kiss to Tatum's shoulder.

Tatum rolled her eyes playfully at Angel as a small laugh escaped her lips. The Mayan biker had uttered those words to her at least once a week, letting Tatum knew he was so fucking lucky to have her as his wife. It wasn't only angel who was lucky, Tatum knew she was just as lucky to have Angel as her husband. They were both lucky honestly. Most people go their whole lives without finding true love, but Tatum and Angel had been lucky enough to find it and find it with each other.

"It must be your good looks." Tatum teased as she removed herself from the bed and Angel's tattooed arms. She picked up Angel's discarded shirt from earlier and placed it over her naked body, a small laugh leaving her lips as a groan left Angel's.

"Where are you goin', amor?" Angel asked with a groan while his brown eyes were glued to his wife's body.

The tattooed Mayan was in love with everything about Tatum. He loved the way her face scrunched you when she got mad, he loved the way her hair always smelled like cherry vanilla, and he loved the many tattoos that adorned her body especially the simple flower on her shoulder. Angel Reyes had always loved those things about Tatum, but he felt like he appreciated all the things he loved about Tatum even more now.

"We don't have anythin' to do today. Let's get to workin' on putting a baby in you." He said with a smirk.

Angel and Tatum had officially decided to start working on a family of their own six months ago, and he couldn't fucking wait for Tatum to get pregnant and have his child. He had thought Tatum would get knocked up right away seeing as the two couldn't keep their hands off of each other, but so far nothing. Angel was growing frustrated but he kept on a happy face, he didn't want to add stress to Tatum. He knew stress wasn't good for her or her body while they were trying for a baby.

"Come join me in the shower then Reyes." Tatum said, winking at Angel before walking towards the bathroom.

Tatum shook her head, a smile on her face as she heard Angel rush out of their bed, hissing the word 'fuck' as she undoubtably knew he had hit his toe on the edge of his nightstand. This was married life, stubbed toes and shower sex and Tatum Reyes wouldn't change it for the world.


"Tatum, your phone keeps ringin'

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"Tatum, your phone keeps ringin'." Angel mumbled as Tatum's phone went off for the fourth time in a matter of seconds. He didn't understand how it hadn't woken her up yet, then again Tatum was like the fucking dead when she slept and his ego also liked to think it was because he had tired her out from earlier.

"Someone better be fucking dead." She mumbled as she grabbed her phone off of the nightstand, not bothering to open her eyes or look at the name flashing across the screen as she answered it. "What?!" Tatum huffed to whoever dared to call her at this time.

"Tatum." Cal's voice reaches her ears, but Tatum could tell something was wrong. He didn't sound like his usual cheerful self and that scared her.

"What's wrong Cal?" The dark haired woman questioned while quickly sitting up in the bed and opening her eyes. She could feel Angel's eyes on her as he sat up as well, but she couldn't focus on Angel right now she was too busy trying to focus on her heart beating out of her chest and Cal's voice.

"He's dead." Cal said, his voice breaking with each word he spoke. "He's fuckin' dead." He repeated.

"Who?" Tatum's voice was barely audible as she forced the question from her mouth. "Who is dead Callahan?" She repeated in a louder voice once Cal didn't answer. Tatum didn't know if Cal hadn't heard her question the first tome and that's why he had yet to answer or if the name refused to leave his mouth.

"Dad." Cal said. "Dad is fuckin' dead." Cal said through a deep gut wrenching sob.

It was a though the room went silent once Cal's words reached her ears. She could see Angel's mouth moving but could hear nothing he was saying to her. It felt like she couldn't breath and her heart was ponding out of her chest, trying to break free. This couldn't be real, it had to be some sick joke Cal was playing on her or a nightmare. Yeah, a nightmare that's exactly what this was. Tatum, in a daze began to pinch her thigh, praying she would wake up.

"Tatum, stop." Angel said softly while grabbing her hand.

Tatum turned her head and looked at Angel with tears in her eyes. The realization that this indeed was real life and not a nightmare hit her like a wave as she stared at Angel, and the tears fell from her eyes at that moment while Angel grabbed her into his arms and held Tatum tightly as she broke down.

A/N: Yay for Tatum and Angel being back! I've missed them. The first 3 chapters are a little slow, but I hope you enjoy! ❤️

𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚎², 𝚂𝙾𝙰/𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝙼𝙲Where stories live. Discover now