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(For my hispanics this is the song I listened to while writing)

You roll your eyes and walk away

2 weeks later

Damn Mattia has been really ignoring me

You walk in his room

He was to busy playing With the boys to notice you

You just lay on his bed there is a Ponit where he gets super mad and throws the controller and it hits you


You start bleeding

He still is distracted


he turns around


M:guys brb

Ale:ugh whyy

M:I accidentally hit Ava


Your eyes were teary


A:It's whatever just go back to your game

You get up and start walking out and he grabs your waist and kisses you

M:I'm sorry

A:My nose burns!

M:right sorry again bbg

A:Why the fuck do you hit so hard in the first place


He picks you up and takes you to his bathroom

He sits you on the counter

M:my turn

You smile

He cleans you up

You guys go back to his bed

A:Can we cuddle 🥺

M:But I'm about to play

A:cuddle and play!

He smiles and nods

You guys lay down and cuddle while he plays

This was a short chapter but the other one will be a bit sad :(
Words counted 231

Stepbrother //ᴍᴀᴛᴛɪᴀᴘᴏʟɪʙɪᴏWhere stories live. Discover now