Pt29time skip/catch up

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Before this starts Ima say sorry I haven't updated in 3 days I was sick I had a fever and a d headache my head was pounding no it's not corona before you start thinking shit just a tiny cold I'm better now I had a bit of energy to update my other story yesterday I'm ending this story soon tho but there is a lot of tea coming up you won't believe

A:And guess what your dad has a death wish so if you don't see him in a couple days....

Skip 3 months later

So me and mattia did the yk and then We got in a tiny argument


I'm currently 23
Alex is 8
I had a daughter which is mattias i found out a couple weeks after me and Mattia fought she is 4 (Ik she is suppose to be - nvm idrk so I'm a just say she is 4)
Her name is Mia Polibio
Ashley *sis*she is 21 she is single she loves the kids
Marc is obiv 23 since we are twins after all he has a Gf I'm really happy for him
Daniel is 24 single mf -Nah I'm playing he is taken Bitches lost their chances 😁
Marie my mom she is the best women ever now she Changed she is the best

My dad broke up with my step mom and Started dating my mom again life is so good
Desiree left with her mom bc she wanted to she doesn't hate us tho
We are still in the gang I'm the main leader today after literally years of not being in New Jersey I'm going back I'm so fucking  nerves

I wonder if we gonna see the boys

Oh and Mattia used to always hype up my posts and comment on them but that stopped 1 year ago a he also stopped posting as well as Ale I wonder why the only person who posts is kai I'm confuse tho

This is were the tea is gonna start boiling putas😁😁

Skip to when you got to jersey

Dad:feels good to be back


A:Yes Bby
Mia:Can we go to the mawll

A:Bby another day we just got here

She nods

Skip 2 weeks later

Me and Ashley plus the kids were at the mall we were in the food court when you won't believe who we saw...KAI!
Ik Ik olaf bby😁🥺

Ash:It's kai!
You nod and smile

Kais pov

I was at the mall with some friends

When I saw 2 girls one looked about my age and another one looked lik 20?
Then me and the girl made eye contact that's when it hit me ....


I mean Ava -yea ava


That's when it hit me was ava...

She had this two kids with her I quickly realized Alex I saw the lil girl she had mattias eyes and lips and Alex had mattias eyes and hair
I got up and ran to Ava

Your POV

I saw Kai run to me I jumped on him and hugged him tearing up

K:Ava omfg!
A:*sCries* hey Kai

Alex:Uncle Kai!

Alex hugs Kai

K:Hey lil buddy

He kisses his cheek

Kai outs you down and picks up Mia

K:who is this lil cutie

A:that's Mia mattias other daughter


He really said:👁O👁

K:guys come eat with me and my friends

We nod

K:Hey Ashley!

He hugs her
Ash :hey kai long time no see

39Min later

A:Hey Kai
A:where is Mattia and ale?

His smile faded making my mine also fade i see ash looking like she knows but I'm not gonna ask kai and Ash


Kais pov

I was laughing with Ava and everyone when she said something I wish she didn't

A:Hey Kai?
A:where's Mattia and ale

Everyone in here gang knew what happened but her but ig I'm gonna take her soon I really hope nothing bad happens

That it for this chapter I'm too excited to write the next chapter so why not just write it now ?words counted 716

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