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I slowly fall asleep and Wake up 5 hours later

It's 12AMat midnight (bc some ppl confused me on saying 12AM as in noon yk what I mean )

You grab your huge teddy bear and hug it

It smells like Mattia (aww but lol)

You stand up and grab a box from under your bed

It has many times of Juuls and a knife and injections

And a pic of the hole fam (without your mom )

You start crying

You start to smoke it

The next morning

Mike knocks:Ava come downstairs


Mike:come on



Mattias pov

I woke up at 2AM and started to juul I'm so confused right now

I started tearing up


Mike=d:Hey Mattia

M:What dad

D:Get up and come downstairs


D:Come on

M:No dad

D:ok fine

Your POV

4 weeks later

I've been locked in my room not eating or anything just crying Mike switched me and Mattia to homedschool for bit bc we both were missing a lot of classes I did the hw but then just stared at the wall with mattias hoodie on and crying

It was 2AM I was wearing Sweats and mattias hoodie and his sweats I wasn't crying my eyes were super puffy and red when Kai burst in the room


he said and he sounded worried and scared he was also in tears

A:Kai what's wrong?!

K:Mattia is overdose in the hospital

When he said that my heart sank

I was tearing up

A:Stop !

K:let's go !

You stand up and put on your shoes

You guys run to his car and get to the hospital

You see Ash,Mike,Dan,your dad ,Ale,Alvaro,Roshuan,Robert,(I think that it )

You fall to the floor crying


You feel someone pick you up

It's Dan

You cry in his chest

A:Why him!


Few hours later

Doc:family of Mattia polibio?

We all stand up

Doc:we don't know if he has survived but you guys can go see him

A:I'll go last..

They nod

About 30 min later they are all done

Mike:go now honey

You nod

You walk in his room and seeing him their helpless breaks your heart

Sorry for the short chapter my mom is gonna wash the bathroom and I need to shower lol I'll right more soon Alvarosbabyxoxo28754 was waiting for me to update lol

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